Can’t fight the moonlight.
By Elizabeth Fox.
The first time Pat Kerrigan and Lou Stoke had been anywhere near close was when Tina O’Kane needed them the most. They had shared a few fleeting glances but nothing much else before that. Since then Pat had watched Lou with interest, although she was somewhat snarky about things Lou did she was a lot less confrontational with Lou.
Louise had noticed Kerrigan’s altercation with Angela from below, feeling a little startled when she saw exactly how calm Pat was about the sudden attack, although she had winced when Pat slammed the woman back, letting others handle the situation although she would talk to Angela later.
She had not expected the attack from Angela, the woman had seemed so meek and when she confronted the woman about her altercation with Pat, not accepting the woman’s lie for a second, she had been a little tense. Relaxing only once she was leading Angela to her meeting with Rowan.
The sudden attack she herself suffered had hurt her and she was a lot less happy with Rowan and she let him know it. Once the transfer of Angela had been arranged and completed she headed back to G wing, helping the officers lock up. She had deliberately chosen Kerrigan to lock in and when she entered the cell before locking the door it was at a time nobody would see.
She stood perfectly still once in Pat’s cell, not daring to speak at the time and wondering if she was actually going to let herself act on her feelings for the first time in a long while. When Pat finally noticed her, actually looking at her, she felt her breath hitch, a single silent tear escaping her before she could stop it.
Pat sounded a little confused, stepping closer even as she did so, her long brown hair tucked back out of brown eyes, eyes that were on Lou now, careful and a little caring.
“Lou… for god’s sake Pat.”
The single word, soft and questioning was all it took for Lou to completely fall apart.
“That bitch hurt you, didn’t she?”
Pat’s question was roughly angry and she took a second step forward, grasping Lou’s wrist in a gentle but firm grip, turning it to see the finger-shaped marks on it, unable to stop herself raising it to her lips, softly kissing the bruised area, eyes still fixed on Lou as she gently tugged the woman closer, startling a little as Lou stole a slow kiss, a low man escaping them both.
“Make me forget.”
The pleading tone in Lou’s voice was all it took for Pat to agree, gently kissing the woman’s forehead before setting to work on her clothes, leaving Lou completely bared to her eyes, removing her own clothes as she saw the hint of worry in Lou’s eyes.
“Lie down.”
The softly dominating tone was all it took for Lou to obey Pat, lying back with complete trust, sighing softly as Pat settled over her, gently trapping Lou’s hands over her head as she kissed her again, gently forcing Lou to let her control go for once, her kisses soon trailing over Lou’s slim frame, tauntingly heading back up as Pat let a hand drop, skimming it low over Lou’s chest, gently teasing the woman, not hurrying herself as she let her hand skim lower, pausing at Lou’s stomach to ask a tender question.
“Are you sure?”
The husky sound of Lou’s answer was convincing enough that Pat relented, gently stroking her hand up Lou’s thigh before she began to work on her, her movements were firm enough to be felt but not hard enough to hurt and she was soon gathering small breathy moans and gasps as signals to continue. Once she was sure Lou was relaxed and had found then hit a strong climax Pat let the woman’s wrists go, not too surprised to find Lou was willing and ready to return her favour.
Pat was not quite over Sheena and she had highly doubted she ever would be but when Lou began her own work on her she was soon relaxing and trusting the other woman in a way she had trusted no-one else since Sheena. Lou had her own little habits that made the experience all the more exhilarating and she was soon hitting a high climax of her own.
As she began to sink back into herself, finding the contact of Lou’s body with her own completely restful, she realised exactly who she had just been with and what she was feeling. She was falling in love, really, completely in love with Lou. A screw. Somehow that didn’t surprise her as much as it once would have, but she was still wondering how they’d survive.
Lou’s soft murmur soothed that worry almost instantly.
“Thank god you have your own cell… might make this easier.”
Pat couldn’t help herself.