Calleigh/Eric, Meagan/Horatio, Ryan/Cassidy. CSI:Miami.
Secret Smile.
By Elizabeth Fox.
The meal had been Calleigh’s idea. She had invited the other two couples to her home for 8.oo PM, now she was laying the table and waiting for Eric to be ready before she went to change. When Eric emerged she smiled, he was wearing his white suit and blue shirt, which suited his brown eyes and skin wonderfully. “Right, you’d better get the rest of the table set up…” She reminded him, fleeing up the stairs to change.
When she came down she was wearing a rich silken gown in pure pink, a rosy pink-white that suited her long blonde hair, blue eyes and slightly tan skin. She settled in the front room beside Eric, waiting.
The doorbell rang and Eric rose to answer it, leaving Calleigh to relax a while longer. Ryan stood on the doorstep, brown hair neat for once, brown eyes fixed on Calleigh and Eric. “Hi, sorry we’re early…” He apologised, smoothing down his black suit, looking a little nervous.
Cassidy joined him quietly, slipping her hand into his and squeezing it. She wore her long brown hair tied back into a neat ponytail, her slim frame accentuated by her blue dress. “He’s a little nervous.” She murmured, leading Ryan in, settling him beside Calleigh before moving to settle the bottle of wine they’d brought on the kitchen counter.
The four had fallen silent soon after, Cassidy curling next to Ryan on the other side from Calleigh, clearly confident. Again the doorbell went and this time Calleigh rose to answer it, leaving Eric to sit with the others.
Horatio and Meagan stood together on the doorstep, Horatio clearly less comfortable outside of work with other couples, his hair neat, blue eyes not hidden behind sunglasses for once. He wore a simple blue suit, a white shirt accentuating his light skin. Meagan seemed a lot less fussed, her long brown hair loosely curled, brown eyes warm as they entered, her rich grey dress making her seem less slim than usual, almost the right size.
“Hey…” Meagan’s smile was warm as she addressed the gathered people, letting Calleigh take the salad she’d brought, smiling as she settled into the seat Horatio had pulled out for her, clearly still smitten. The group settled slowly to their meal, the chat warm and for once clear of anything to do with work.
Cassidy was the first to tire, still a little exhausted from her day’s work, needing her rest. Ryan rose when she seemed unsteady, supporting her instantly as he pardoned them. They left soon after, Cassidy safely supported by Ryan’s gentle grip.
The other two couples talked on a while before Horatio made his excuses and headed out, Meagan excusing them both as she left, giving Calleigh a knowing smile as she left, guiding Horatio back to their car.
Calleigh had cleared the table quietly after the guests left, curling into her seat as Eric took over, letting her rest. Soon enough she was asleep on the sofa, Eric covering her in a light blanket before sneaking upstairs, leaving her to sleep.