Im trying to adjust as cheese gets moved

Feb 26, 2009 19:16

Gees there feels like a lot is going on.

Today my co-workers and I have been told that our government job is NOT secure. In fact, we were all given the impression that it we should all be looking elsewhere to work.
The economy cannot support the level of Public Health care we are giving. They are going to contract out everything they possibly can, and no one, not even our Medical Directory, can be certain of our employment thanks to decisions made this week for huge fiscal restructuring.

And the 11,000 patients we serve? Not sure how they will be served.  Im thinking ER. Seems like there are some big mistakes in the making regarding fiscal responsibility that they will look back on this week and go OOPS. I really love this job, and its just devestating to me that its going to deteriorate before I am even done with my new employee 6 month probation.

Its weird, but there are NO jobs for my nursing license in my town right now. Not even nurses are recession proof.

Trace however, is working in landscaping and LOVING her job, and her income is making our ends meet. Thank Heaven.

I am waiting for the honor to take my RN final. How long will it take? GEES- Ill be lucky, really LUCKY to be able to take it before this time next year. It sucks really.

I really love Asheville. Getting work here is HARD.

Trace and I are doing really well. The whole different spiritual paths thing is wierd, but we are working through it.

Sometimes I wonder what in the heck Im doing going to  this Christian MCC, but then there are other times it feels right and like I have a lot of great opportunities to grow.

Tonight Im trying to process stuff. And do laundry, dishes, clean out the cat box, maybe transplant my seedlings to new pots. Im growing a pot veggie garden. That way, no matter if we move, it goes with us. It is giving me a lot of joy to watch these new little green things grow.
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