Woohoo! I stole this from
fireflowerlass and it amuses me greatly. I absolutely adore my "random icon"- it's so incredibly appropriate!
I'm a big fan of my love icon as well. ::sigh::
The only thing I'm not feeling so much is my sexy icon. Now don't get me wrong, I think my sexy icon to be quite sensuous and seductive and all, but why must she have long hair? I'm personally a fan of the short haired approach to sexiness, though apparently guys prefer long hair. Or at least, this is the impression that I am under, and please correct me if I'm wrong. I do understand this preference to a degree, as I myself enjoy longer hair on guy (but note, not LONG hair- just long enough that there's something there to run your fingers through...or something akin to that). But why really long hair?
Short hair rocks. Period. There are far too many girls with long, straight hair in this world.