it's been too long

Apr 02, 2005 22:59

Oh dear livejournal, how I've neglected thee! And a right shame too, for filling your html coded pages with my trivial thoughts and amateur attempts at literary expression never ceases to somehow quell the minor turmoil in my not-so-lonely soul. But I promised myself I wouldn't be depressing anymore, that I wouldn't allow this to become an "emo journal". Actually I really promised myself that at the start of this madness, and look how that turned out? So hereby do I solemnly swear not to use this livejournal as an outlet for logging all the little miseries in my life, for believe me, there really aren't many. If I need to vent, I'll call my mother.

I now turn over a new leaf in honour of springtime, being that springtime is actually the appropriate time for new leaves, as all the old leaves have long since fallen from their branches and while they appeared a pretty, multicoloured blanket on the autumn ground, they have since shriveled up and disintegrated, no longer capable of concealing the fact that they were always dead. Oh those deceptive dead leaves. They're troublesome. They wouldn't be nearly so much trouble if they'd just dry out and look ugly as soon as they hit the ground. But no, they have to be all colorful and attractive when they fall. Somehow that doesn't seem quite right. Most leaves, in my opinion, are at the height of their beauty when they fall (for much as I like the color green, it's so much more pleasant to have the variety as seen in autumn). Perhaps that makes their death less sad. It's like in mythology- many of the great heroes meet premature deaths in battle, so they die young, beautiful and glorious.

Personally, grand as dying heroically may sound, I'm not gonna throw in the towel just yet. I doubt my life has peaked at nineteen. Personally I plan to live forever, and if I don't, well I plan to have lived a life unworthy of regretting. I don't regret anything yet.

Tarot cards and horoscopes are bad because, if you believe in astrology, like I do, you imagine that they're coming true. Even if they're not, you somehow subconsciously are making them do so. Horoscopes aren't so bad. It's the tarot cards you really need to watch out for.

And, as a conclusion to this horribly confounding and incoherent entry, a controversy, recently brought to my attention whilst learning about applying illusory textures to painted surfaces. Spongebob Squarepants is a kitchen sponge. His parents are natural sponges. A kitchen sponge cannot be born from two natural sponges. Therefore, his mother clearly was having an affair with someone from the kitchen. So people should stop obsessing over his sexual orientation and focus on the issue of adultery, which is actually wrong, hurtful, and unacceptable.
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