May 31, 2004 18:34
craziest weekend of my life!!!!!!!!! so yeah today, monday afternoon, is the 1st time ive been home all weeeknd for more than 30 mins Ive gotten about 8 hours of sleep all together in the past 3 days but hey, it was worth it. Friday chilled with jenn natalie and nicki went to a couple parties, picked up these guys from a church??? (yeah god knows y they were there) nicki and i drove to malibu and met up w/ amanda and sarah and malibu ppl, went to a party till like 2 came to the valley and slept in the back of my car..woke up at 8 i went home drove to the beach met up with alex and victoria in malibu had some fun alex and i went back to the valley did a bunch of shit..met up wth some ppl later saw all the awesome seniors and ali who i havent seen in way to long and chilled/had fun for forever went to bed really late woke up sunday..beverly hills with alex...back, sat through 15 mins of a movie and got bored, met up with evan who has the craziest frekin roor ive evr seen, met up with nicki did a bunch of stuff went to amandas in malibu chillllllled, slept at nickis and i did about a bil;ion other things tht i just forgot i did cause yeah i counted it as the 1st weekend of summer and PARTIED HARD!!!
k im done
peace out