Apr 22, 2004 09:37
1) TJLS rejected me. The lowest of the lowest of ABA law schools throughout CA rejected me. This makes rejection #4.
2) What to do in the case of not going to law school.
3) It's not the end of the world, just the beginning of the rest of my life.
I'll be fine, just have to be more patient and give it more thought. Thanks for the support Yanny. It means a lot that you gave it a thought, considering how this usually goes. I am thankful that I did at least finish college, have worked at 'real jobs' a few times, and still have options with family and friends' support. By the way, Yanny, you never answered what you want for your birthday, and what we are going to do for Tony's. Oh and Father's Day. Yeesh, I just remembered how I get broke around this time of year: birthdays, holidays, and vacations. Time for another trip to you-know-where to cover next year??
Aside from that, the supervisor is not here today. Woohoo. I detest that woman, not that she is mean or vindictive, but because she is too disorganized. I hate having to play catch-up and backtracking on each of her projects. Oh well, more overtime for me, meaning a bigger paycheck. The printer finally finished, better go retrieve the documents before someone dumps them. Yeah, too late, someone already fiddled with the documents. I'm going back to the data entry.
Take care.