Puppy needs a home

Mar 31, 2010 09:20

This little guy was abandoned near our apartment complex (tied to the outside of the fence and left there for at least 2 hours without water before my neighbor went and got him). He's about 4 months old, weighs maybe 25-30 pounds and has the BEST personality. I bought puddle pads for our apartment manager to use last night and this little guy did his business on them. He also listens when you tell him no if he grabs something you don't want him to have. He LOVES tummy rubs and is just the sweetest thing. We've heard no barking...just a little whining when he's on the back porch because he's lonely. We can't figure out why someone would just drop this little guy and no one here can keep him. I've called several rescue organizations and no one has room. If our property manager has to call the pound, we're afraid he'll be put down because he looks like he might be a pit bull. He likes to chew on stuff (puppy teeth), but again, if you tell him "no", he stops whatever it is he's doing. He even tried to walk himself with the leash we put on him last night. Such a sweetie. Anyone want this little guy?

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