My b-day should be interesting, if nothing else

Jun 01, 2009 22:54

Seems Dustin (my son) and his girlfriend are going to come to the club with Shawna & Rodney for a short bit early in the evening (when my mom is there). He's been clean for a few months now, so I'm trying to be supportive and when he and Amy (the girlfriend) were visiting my daughter and her husband last weekend, I mentioned my b-day thing and they said they wanted to come. How do you tell your kid you'd rather he not go to your b-day celebration? I just hope to gawds he shaves and wears clean clothes and doesn't act like a moron. He has a tendency to act stupid and be very loud when he's uncomfortable and he'll probably feel like a fish out of water at the bar.

The entire time I was raising my kids, I kept them separate from my "single life". I took them to Atomic one time, because they were always bugging me about seeing the place (because I always talked about it). They met a few of my friends here and there over the years at birthday parties, social functions, etc., but this feels like my two worlds are going to collide on Saturday night...especially with my mom going too.

I suppose I really only have to get through about an hour (maybe two) of the Twilight Zone before life will return to normal on Saturday night and I'll be able to just socialize, drink and have fun without feeling like I'm taking part in some bizarre episode of This is Your Life.

And now you have all been warned.

In other news:
Oh please let the weather idiots be correct with this prediction:

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