Here's the sun, it's alright. Here's the moon, it's alright. But everytime you close your eyes...

Mar 05, 2009 11:58

Kun teki mieli.

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up.
~ Water bottle
~ Calendar
~ Mirror
~ Old film reel pack
~ It's snowing outside :_:

2. What is the last movie you watched?
Completely? The Visitor on Monday. I tried to watch Tropic Thunder yesterday and failed after 55 minutes. Ben Stiller does that to me. (And mind you, I haven't stopped watching films in the middle for a looooong time. So yes, I'm quite ashamed. I've been most definitely influenced by Andrew from FilmSoc; if a film doesn't impress him during the first 10 minutes, he simply walks away. :O)

3. What are you wearing now?
Hotpants (b/w), my Espoo Ciné- shirt, hoodie.

4. What's your occupation?
International student and a dreamer~..

5. Do you consider yourself a good friend?
I hope so. I try to be better but can't help failing from time to time.

6. What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
I have to use Finnish since that's what came to my mind: Kirppu.

7. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Wow, I think I don't have any major going on right now... Wait, I do: Woody Allen's 80's/90's films. And Arcade Fire's album 'Funeral'.

8. What was the last thing you ate today?
Toast with margarine.

9. What would your perfect day consist of doing?
Hanging out with people dear to me, maybe having a picnic, staying up late watching the sunset/sunrise, catching a film, eating ice-cream... Almost anything goes~.

10. What websites do you always visit when you go online?
FB, LJ, Webmail,, Empireonline.

11. What was the last thing you bought?
Orange juice.

12. What are you listening to right now?
Traffic noise.

13. What do you think about before you go to bed at night?
'Please, no coughing!'

14. What was the last cd you bought?
...Can't remember ;_;.

15. What is your favourite weather, and why?
Sunny, a little brisk, t-shirt-friendly.

16. What is the last book you read?
Bernhard Schlinks's The Reader.

17. If you could have any job, regardless of training, what would it be?
A superhero or a film director. Too weird, I know...

18. Yaoi, Yuri, both or none?
Yuri, absolutely, although I value them both greatly. Ahh, if I had to say I guess I'd take both but secretly ask for more good yuri. There's never enough anyways.

19. What's one of your favourite movies?
Thank you for the form of this question; one is fairly easy compared to 'the one and only' ^^'. Annie Hall. Came to mind first since I am eating porridge (and porridge, Annie Hall, strong coffee and lazy mornings/afternoons go together perfectly~).


Bluria lainatakseni: WOOHOO! Tänä iltana meikäläisen nokka kääntyy kohti Lontoota, jossa huomispäivän suunnitelmiimme Katin kanssa kuuluvat ainakin Picasso-näyttely @ National Gallery, lounas Covent Gardenin vegeravintola Food for Thoughtissa sekä illalla todellista highbrowta Lontoon Filharmonikkojen konsertissa (Tschaikovski et al) Royal Festival Hallissa.

Lauantai-aamuna junalla Brightoniin, National Student PRIDE~ ja juhlahumua ja Sugar Rushin kuvauspaikkoja ja ties mitä aktivismia pari päivää kunnes viimein maanantaina palailemme Lontoon kautta takaisin Ediin.

Toivottavasti kamera ei petä~.

Yskä teki comebackin viime yönä, joten kaiken muun lisäksi on aivan pakko muistaa käydä apteekissa. Yöbussissa köhiminen = Playing with my life?

Eilen tiimini voitti Cameon Film Quizzissa 10 muuta joukkuetta ja korjasi kotiin ilmaiset elokuvaliput o9. Kisassa vaadittiin tietoa niin tappajapupuista, Jurassic Parkista kuin kaikista elokuvista, joiden käsiksessä esiintyy sana 'Dude'. Kisa oli hankala ja voitonjuhlat siis ansaitut, olkoonkin, että yskin koko yön ja aamu meni harakoille.

Mutta nyt kauppaan, hophop!

/Ai niin, piti vielä todeta Lex Nokiasta: Surullista ja jotenkin noloa, että itse äänestyksessä, jota oli valvottu, väännetty ja käännetty oikein urakalla etukäteen, melkein 50 kansanedustajaa laistaa velvollisuudestaan.

Työmatkat ja muut velvollisuudet, joojoo, mutta kyllä hiljaisuus tässä tapauksessa oli myöntymisen merkki.
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