Oct 12, 2004 10:09
Today has been a really horrible day. I went to sleep at 2.30 last night, and had to get up at 7.15 this morning. Woke up at 5 and fell back to sleep at 6. So it wasn't a goodnight sleep. I woke up, took a shower, and started crying. My bread was frozen, there was no milk for my coffee and I needed my mum. I went to work, and at the busstop I found out I had to walk to the next busstop. Argh!
I got to work 15 minutes late. Was a bit hectic, my colleague was also later than normal, and I had to do the mail for 4 members, instead of 2. I went to talk to my boss, but she was busy, so I had to wait 45 minutes to get everything out. I went to one of my colleagues, who's also a friend of mine, started talking and crying. After that I smoked a sigarette, talked to my boss for 45 minutes, and cried again. Went back to our room, and told my colleagues what was wrong with me. Cried again.
My colleagues were absolutely lovely, went outside for lunchbreak with a colleague, instead of 30 minutes, we were away for an hour. I bought a scarf, gloves, and a hat in the same colour and a bag! Another bag, I think that's number 30..
Tomorrow I'm gonna call my doctor, and see what he can do for my sleepingdisorder. Hope there's a way to sleep a night through, I hate lying awake.