Mar 30, 2007 12:46
At 9:53am today the chair of the University of North Texas history department called to offer me the full-time, tenure-track assistant professorship in women's history. Of course I was with a student catching up from missing two days, so I had to call him back.
The faculty of the Department of History at UNT has voted to offer you the position in Women's History at the University of North Texas. Congratulations. The offer is for a nine month salary of $50,000, with $3,500 start-up cost (e.g., computer, printer, etc), and $1,000 for additional expenses. Please let me know at your earliest convenience whether you accept the position, but no later than Friday, 6 April. The final approval for all matters regarding hires comes form the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. However, any questions you have should come through me. <>
We talked through my 5 questions. I only had two monetarily-oriented points, niether of which was big bucks. Got nothing further. Texas state law forbids state employers to furnish moving expenses. This used to be true of Arizona, but UA managed to get people more money (as a speaker's fee) than the paltry $1,000 UNT shifts over. The other monetary thing shouldn't matter. UA puts in the contract the money allocated for buying books for the UA library. UNT gives $2,000 the first year but doesn't put it in the contract. But the chair said this is not a one-time deal, and every year the head of the library committee can't get the faculty to spend all the money. I did get an assurance that I would teach 2 courses in fall and 3 in spring (rather than 3:2) and that as long as I taught women's history as I was hired to and sometimes taught the survey, I would have a lot of latitude on course offerings. The chair doesn't want me to have to spend lots of time on preps. He also assured me that although courses were not currently cross-listed, that should not be a problem.
I gave him my verbal acceptance and emailed him my official acceptance, which will be forwarded to the dean. I've bought an official transcript and will mail it today to complete the paperwork on my end.
Thank you for your offer. As I said on the telephone, I gladly accept the position in Women's History at UNT. I will take myself out of the running at a couple places. You have satisfied my questions about allocating money and support to be certain I will satisfy tenure requirements. I understand that since books purchased for the library would belong to the library it makes sense that this issue is not in the contract. And I was pleased to hear how many courses I will teach each semester and the degree of control I will have over the course topics. I will follow up with Dr. <> about cross-listing with appropriate programs, and after the contract is signed, I will speak with Dr. <> about putting my courses in the course offerings schedule.
As requested, I will get and mail an official copy of my transcript today.
I look forward to settling in at Denton and becoming a colleague.
So that's the news for now. My hist. advisor/chair said she was going to do a little dance. Didn't see that, but she did email the department with my good news, so I'm getting emails congratulating me. SO EXCITING!