Monday's Child Poem--which day are you?

Jan 02, 2009 14:21

Mondays child poem

Mondays child is fair of face,
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Thursdays child has far to go,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

I was born on a Monday morning because labor outlasted Sunday (unlike mosno, who was destined to be gay). You can probably find out what day of the week you were born by using Google's exact wording search up to seven times with a day of the week before your birth date. Which day's child are you?

Easier way to find your birth day of week complements of a friend in the Old Pueblo:


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