person you hugged: David
person you called: Elaini
person who called you: Scooby
thing you touched: my vanilla coke
book you read: Scarlet Letter
magazine you bought: Guitar
place you went to: my HCC class
person who said "I love you": Mia
person who you chatted with: Scooby
cologne you sprayed: Vanilla Fields
thing you ate: Parsnips... lol
drink you drank: my vanilla coke!
flower you picked: ----?
movie you rented: Fear and Loathing
letter u typed: g?
words you said: bye
person on your mind: Cale
place where u slept: my car
animal you touched: Kandi... my poodle
time you cried: this morning when my contacts wouldn't go in
10 random things u like (no particular order)
[10] partys
[9] having an intelligent conversation
[8] driving fast
[7] cheese
[6] new york city and greenwich village
[5] crazy colored eyeshadow
[4] laughing uncontrollably
[3] coffee
[2] singing
[1] White Oleander
9 of your cLosesT friends (no particular order)
[8] ---------------------------
[7] ---------------------------
[6] Tim
[5] Chevron
[4] Josh
[3] Karina
[2] Scoob
[1] Mia
8 things u DONT like
[8] forced religion
[7] overprotective parents
[6] most meat
[5] onions
[4] traffic jams
[3] bad french kissing
[2] most scene kids
[1] elitists
7 places you would like to visit
[7] Norway
[6] Alaska ...(which I might be going to this summer!! eek!)
[5] Seattle
[4] Germany- to visit Kenny and Teres!
[3] Canadia
[2] London... you know, just for kicks
[1] Tokyo
6 places where you've slept in before
[6] my bed
[5] sergio's car
[4] my car
[3] sal's couch
[2] miami airport
[1] mia's bed
5 of your fave books
[5] The Torn Skirt
[4] Arial
[3] White Oleander
[2] Annie on my Mind
[1] Girl, Interrupted
4 thingS u wanna d0 b4 u diE
[4] travel
[3] go to college and experience it to the fullest
[2] fall in love and get married
[1] go into the right part of journalism, like it, and be successful
3 ppl u wanna give a kiss on the cheek b4 y0u diE
[3] The person I fall in love with
[2] My dad
[1] My mom
2 things that never fail to make you smile
[2] coffee
[1] somebody making a fool of themself
the 1 person you will always love
[1] my Mom
oh and check out Linda Strawberry and her music. Ok all you kids in bands, THIS is real music so shut your narrow minded screamo-emo-promoting mouths. look at the music and art links. Trust me, she's talented in a unique way.