I thought this was a nifty little website, and wanted to pass it along so others could share it. I've gotten some of my male gamer buddies on my Facebook to sign up, so yay!
From the
Gamers Against Bigotry website:
As a gamer, I realize I contribute to an incredibly diverse social network of gamers around the world, and that my actions have the ability to impact others. In effort to make a positive impact, and to create a community that is welcoming to all, I pledge to not use bigoted language while gaming, online and otherwise.
Bigoted language includes, but is not limited to, slurs based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and disability.
Read more about the pledge, including what is and isn't included, and the overall purpose
Read why you shouldn't use the word "rape" casually
The people behind this website are looking to become a non-profit, so please donate if you can. The Mary Sue
posted an interview with one of the founders of the site, which is a really fantastic read.
The pledge benefits folks who are already avoiding bigoted language in-game because it unites them and shows them they aren’t the only ones who feel the way they do. At times, and depending on the game you’re playing, it can feel like you’re the only one who is put off by the bigoted speech that’s tossed around in game chat. Every additional pledge is another person speaking up, publicly, that bigoted language isn’t okay. As our numbers grow, we’ll get a better sense of where the gaming community really stands on this stuff.
You can pledge on their
website, "like" them on
Facebook, and follow them on