This was a post on the Gaia Online Forum that was deleted by a moderator. Gee I wonder why. The message might've died there, but several others, now myself included, will make sure it lives.
Recently, I had the pleasure of hearing a Kelly Clarkson song titled 'Walk Away' - in which see sings "I want a man by my side, not a boy who runs and hides. Are you gonna fight for me, die for me, live and breathe for me...."
The bolded section is what got me thinking... why? Why should he die for you, and live and breathe for you?
I believe the greater majority of western women have embodied this same holier-than-thou attitude expression in Kelly Clarksons lyrics.
What I can't seem to put my finger on is this: What do women do for men, these days, that's so great, so wonderful, a man should live and breathe for her and die for her? If a man put out an album stating he wanted his woman to die for him, live and breathe for him, most women would scoff, guffaw, laugh, and everything else under the sun, because well, men aren't worthy of such devotion.
Maureen Dawd. just put out a book titled 'Are Men Necessary', proclaiming men these days are redundant and of no use. Maureen aside, there has been tons of female-written literature these days stating how useless and outdated the male creature has become to women, and to life.
And just like the 'can't form my own opinion' collective sheep they are, mass amounts of women smirk, take these messages to heart, and beat their chests to the daily tunes of male bashing.
But I wonder if any of those women, you women, have stopped and actually asked the question, just what DO women do for men these days? What do men rely on women for, these days?
Who's really the redundant ones here? What have you ever done for you man in a relationship, besides fuck him?
Even with closed eyes, you can see its men who hold up the greater/full burden of relationships, while women usually just enjoy the free ride, doing nothing, as if she is a child being taken care of by an adult. In relationship's these days, women do nothing, while men do everything. Men pay for everything, while women pay for nothing.
And no, buying him a pair of socks every now and then does not count. Of course, a lot of girls will read this post and cry bullshit, then tomorrow go to their girlfriends proclaiming, 'What's mine is mine, and what's his is mine'.
Relationships and marriage have devolve into a one way street for men, in which he gives everything, but all she gives in return is a flat piece of pussy... which can really be taken care of by his left hand, and cheap 'emotional support' every now and then, which really balls down to her bullshitting long enough to keep her slave in line.
Everything, and I mean everything women use to do for men are being done by men themselves. Chores once considered womanly, are being done by single men living alone. Men cook for themselves, clean for themselves, and take care of themselves, all without the aid of a woman. There's so many single men living alone, and living happy, yet feminist journalists can not stand this. Pick up a newspaper, you will read how women who live alone are liberated and happy, then these same journalists will say men who live alone are sad and lonely - as if trying to guide the minds of men in to thinking they actually 'need' a woman.
Women are not necessary, Men do not need women. - This is a line that is so gut wrenching and terrifying to most women, and they do not want to really think about it. But then go chanting the mantra over and over again that Women do not need men.
Even out of relationships, men are the beasts of burden who do the 'heavy lifting' needed to keep the world spinning. All the dangerous or disgusting jobs you never hear about - the jobs that women steer clear of are usually 100% entirely composed of men.
Can anybody tell me what women contribute to this world, besides their ability to birth, that keeps the earth spinning?
Women really don't do anything when you think about it, do they? Women have long cried out how they want to be worth more than their vagina... but it seems the opposite has happened. Overall, women do nothing for men on the large scale basis - women are entirely consumers in the world, while men are the producers. Women do none of the dirty, dangerous jobs needed to keep our cities healthy and sanitary. Women do none of the 'heroing' and chivalrous jobs needed in times of emergency. Think hurricane Katrina... all the people doing the rescuing were men. I'm sure there was like one woman here or there, but any shots in news, magazines (women's magazines) you will see an entire cast of male rescue workers.
Women do nothing for the world.
In relationships, women do nothing for men at all but fuck, and consume what he produces.
It seems, sadly, that women have somehow become worthy of nothing more than their vagina's.
In another man-hating attack (written in a mainstream newspaper as always) HERE: The feminist says: Quote:
Rather than feel useless and rejected, most men should perhaps feel lucky that women still show as much interest in them as they do and want their companionship.
What she should have said was: For all their self-absorbed ways and utter uselessness in all aspects of life, women should consider themselves lucky that men still want their companionship
Here and there, every now and then, you will hear a girl say, or post in this thread, they actually do a lot for their boyfriend. But those girls are very few and very far between. And even most of the girls who actually claim they do 'stuff' for their men will draw a blank stare when you actually ask them WHAT they do for their boyfriends. Ask the average guy the same question, what he does for his girlfriend, I bet you right off the bat he could point out more than just a few things.
Now besides for all the knee-jerk reactions to this post will receive, I'd love a well thought out, detailed responsce, from a girl, explaining just what women actually do FOR men in relationships these days besides sex.
But I doupt I'll get that, since women don't do shit for men in relationships.
Are Men Necessary, the title of that book should have been: Are Women Necessary.
Die for you? Live and breathe for you? Like... why? I think I'll just take the pussy. That's all you seem to be worth these days.