Does anyone have experience/knowledge around accountability processes in response to perpetrators of sexual violence, particularly ppl who leverage greater social standing and status in queer/activist "communities"? I would appreciate any commiseration/advice from other survivors/survivor allies. Thank you.
I also wanted to post some resources I found helpful for my specific situation along the way, which may or may not be helpful for others.
http://vancouver.mediacoop.ca/blog/harsha-w/9349brief 101 of male supremacist power dynamics in organizing circles
http://www.incite-national.org/media/docs/2406_cmty-acc-poc.pdfCommunity Accountability Within People of Color Movements
2004 Report from INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence
http://petrushkab.tumblr.com/post/2050734636/rape-culture-questionsrape culture questions
http://petrushkab.tumblr.com/post/12061798464/a-rough-draft-on-rape-culture-in-anarchist-subculturesFailures in accountability processes