I've found it saddening to see the sometimes dismissive attitude with which Andrea Dworkin is treated these days, so I wrote this about why, as a 22-year-old Australian feminist, Andrea Dworkin is important to my life.
She died, on April 9th 2005. Which is around the time that I took my first Sexual Politics class, with
Sheila Jeffreys, who is
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That being said, I am immensely bothered by many of Dworkin's and Jeffries' theories. Transphobia, for one? No thanks, I'll pass. I'm also not of the "the good outweighs the bad" mindset - there are plenty of inspiring, strong feminist writers out there who happen not to spout hateful views.
Jeffreys is of the belief that gender and sexuality is socially constructed, and is critical of a society that demands body modification from people that don't conform to these constructed gender norms.
I think feminists are like all people - I have yet to find one that I agree wholly and completely with.
While we're on it--and there's plenty of Dworkin I appreciate--how do you square her views on incest? Because seriously.
i am madly in love w/ this sentence.
This is such utterly dismissive, privileged bullshit. It really just shows that you don't consider transpeople important enough to include their rights in your definition of feminism.
Despite people's actual, lived experiences proving this theory wrong.
Especially that whole "demands body modification" part; society does all it can to force us not to medically transition. Moreover, queer trans*folk, butch trans*women, and fem trans*men disprove that whole idea that we transition to escape being queer or gender nonconforming--and that's ignoring the genderqueers and bigendered and various other non-binary identified trans*folks.
One of my biggest pet peeves is this always gets left out of these debates, so thanks!
That's funny because i've felt more pressured not to get any kind of plastic surgery, including genital reconstruction surgery, than to pursue it. The times that i've mentioned i've thought about breast augmentation, i've been told that i shouldn't do it because "plastic surgery is ugly."
I've lost count of how many times people have asked me "why can't you just be a femme guy?" rather than doing things to my own body that other people don't approve of.
And what kind of "feminist" calls women rapists what they choose to do to their own bodies ( ... )
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