While reading a blog post about that Canadian workplace accident PSA that is now scarring the retinas of everyone in the US, I found a link to these two domestic violence PSAs and thought immediately of sharing them with this community. I find them to be very bold and attention-getting (which I think is a GOOD thing), far more than anything I've
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The province of Alberta has the highest rates of domestic assault and stalking in the country. Agencies like HomeFront (originally the Calgary Domestic Violence Court project) are doing what they can to make change, but the public just doesn't want to hear about it. Domestic violence is the leading cause of citizens calling the police, yet it is seldom mentioned when surveys ask Calgarians what criminal activity concerns them.
I know I'm rambling, but I'm in Social Work and I live here and the disconnect just drives me nuts. Locally, I don't think that the PSAs were targeted at stopping violence (thought that would be nice). I think the real target it public apathy. The bystander effect and common "Canadian politeness" combine to keep people silent, keep domestic assault a "private matter". We need SOMETHING to shock people, to make them angry, to get them involved, because otherwise nothing ever changes. And that's just not okay.
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