Jul 16, 2007 21:35
I received this letter from my doctor today:
Dear patient of Dr. H. H-------,
Recently, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization and Public Health of the Government of Canada has recommended that all of my female patients between the ages of 9 and 26 year of age receive the vaccine called GARDASIL. I am sending out this mailer to all my patients in this age category to make them aware of this new vaccine.
Did you know that an estimated 75% of Canadians will have at least one HPV infection during their lifetime.
Did you know that HPV can lead to significant consequences, including cervical cancer, cervical dysplasia (abnormal cervical cells), and genital warts.
Did you know that HPV can extract a high physical and emotional burden
Did you know that young women and adolescents are at high risk for an HPV infection
Did you know that regular PAP testing is the best way to prevent cervical cancer through early detection of changes in cervical cells
Did you know that cervical cancer is the 2nd most common type of cancer among women 20 to 44 years of age. Second only to breast cancer.
GARDASIL is a vaccine that will prevent over 70% of cervical cancers and 90% of genital wart cases in my practice.
Please call my office to find out a time to come in and get vaccinated or set up an appointment to discuss this vaccine. If you have a private drug plan please call and inquire as to whether GARDASIL is covered.
See you soon.
Dr. H. H------
I am very happy to hear about this news. I just started a new job that has health benefits, so I am hoping that this vaccine will be covered. I just had to share this news with all of you ladies here in the community. I am overjoyed that, even in Canada under a conservative government, the government still cares about the women that are and can be affected by HPV.