Oct 27, 2005 08:52
I typically listen to the news on my way into work in the morning... and this morning one of the reports stuck with me longer than usual for a few reasons. Apparently there were two attacks last night in Toronto - two young women were pulled into alleyways and assaulted, likely by the same man. This scares me partially because the attacks are somewhat close to where I live. I hate being afraid.
To make matters worse, the report ended by saying that "One of these women was wearing an iPod, and the police would like to remind women to be careful about this - so ladies, be sure you are aware of your surroundings when you walk alone at night." Oh I get it - it was HER fault. She happened to be listening to music, therefore it must be partially her fault for not paying better attention to her surroundings on the walk home. Now...only one of the two women who were attacked in nearly identical ways were listening to music....doesn't this make it clear that it likely would've happened regardless??
I also like that this warning to pay attention to surroundings is only directed at women. As if a man would *never* be attacked walking alone late at night. GRRRR.
sexual assault & rape,
victim blaming