Oct 21, 2005 10:53
Something's been praying on my mind.
You see, I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm a huge fan of the reality show "America's Next Top Model." This addiction seems especially odd to me since in addition to being a staunch feminist I am neither an American nor have I ever had any interest in modeling. Or the fashion industry for that matter.
I've tried to break it down for me what it is that attracts me to the show. Is it the drama (than why can't I stand soaps)? Is it fashion element (hardly)? Am I secretly a fan of Tyra Banks (yeah, no)? Or do I really harbor some long-thought-dead princess dreams of being lauded for my beauty and thus try to relive them through these girls (ye gods!)? What I have the most problem accepting is that what we have here is a reality competition for girls to stand around and look alternately haughty and pretty. Plus all the beauty pagent arguments which I'm sure I don't have to go into here. It's hardly empowering (even if Tyra keeps cramming that message down everybody's throat.) Or is it? I'm getting very confused here.
I've noticed I'm not alone in this crisis. All my feminist friends watch it too and are equally baffled by the appeal. I even know a few (straight) men who do watch it even if they're still too ashamed to admit it.
Any thoughts? Is there some secret ingredient to the show that makes it so addictive or is it simply a matter of a well-edited reality series that could just as easily take place at a pig judging competition?
I hope I'm not just rehashing a talked-to-death subject. I'm new.
pop culture,
beauty and body image,