
Mar 12, 2011 01:02

AGE: 24
JOURNAL: meadowofpeace (but I don't use it much).
IM: eden0renewed (AIM)

CHARACTER NAME: Hermione Jean Granger
FANDOM: Harry Potter
CHRONOLOGY: The Deathly Hallows
CLASS: Hero depends, really. If she doesn't agree with how things are run, she might strike out on her own. Hermione is independent like that.
ALTER EGO: Harmonia Puckle

Hermione's background is extensive. With six and a half books under her belt that shouldn't be surprising. However, in The Deathly Hallows, her life (along with the rest of the Wizarding World) has been turned upside down. Lord Voldemort has returned (which happened in the Fourth Book) and he has amassed a drove of Death Eaters (as well as other useful "helpers"). Needless to say, the Wizarding World and Muggle World alike are scared of how far he will go and who else he will kill.

Under an umbrella of chaos, Hermione, Harry and Ron leave their families behind. In Hermione's case, she had to erase her parents' memories and send them to Australia in order for them to be safe. However, from the canon point I am taking her, she has been traveling extensively around Britain with her companions for months. They have been camping in a Wizard tent and using the supplies Hermione crammed into her purse before leaving the Burrow (and Grimmauld Place).

However, despite their attention to detail and general caution, they were caught by the Snatchers and dragged to Malfoy Manor. After undergoing torture (courtesy of Bellatrix Lestrange), Hermione was able to escape with Harry, Ron, Luna, Mr. Ollivander, Dobby and one of the Gringotts goblins. Thanks to Dobby, the rather large group arrived at Shell Cottage (which is owned by Bill and Fleur Weasley). Unfortunately, not long after their arrival, Dobby died from knife wounds caused by, once again, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Because of what he had done for them - and because he deserved a proper burial - Hermione helped Harry and Ron dig his grave. They laid the little House Elf to rest before setting out on the next part of their mission. Using a strand of Bellatrix Lestrange's hair, Hermione put the finishing touches on a Polyjuice Potion. She drank it and turned herself - physically - into the demented Death Eater. Additionally, she helped Ron transform his appearance so that he looked like a Death Eater as well. With Griphook's help (the Gringotts's goblin they rescued), the trio Apparated to Diagon Alley and headed to Gringotts.

With Harry under his Invisibility Cloak (along with Griphook), they entered the well-guarded bank. By utilizing the Imperius Curse - much to Hermione's chagrin - they made their way down to Bellatrix Lestrange's vault (where they believed another Horcrux resided). Once inside said vault, Griphook tricked them and nearly trapped them inside. However, they were able to get out - only to be confronted by a drove of goblins/guards. Hopping onto the back of a blind (and tortured) dragon, the trio blasted their way out of the bank and took to the skies.

On this trip, Hermione will enter Cape and Cowl (if accepted).

The Wizarding World is comprised of Purebloods, Halfbloods and Muggleborns. Some of the Purebloods consider themselves better than the Halfbloods and, especially, the Muggleborns. Hermione is, of course, a Muggleborn. Therefore, according to some wizards and witches, she started out at a disadvantage. However, Hermione has never bought that nonsense. Instead, she holds her head high and stands up for causes that others might consider frivolous - like House Elf Rights.

Yet she doesn't truly show the extent of her bravery until the final book. Thus far (in the canon time-line I am taking her from), she has openly defied the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic. Instead of hiding behind her books/knowledge - as was her penchant in the other books - she is in the midst of the fray. (Though, to be fair, she does fight in the Fifth and Sixth Book - just not to the extent she does in the Seventh Book.) Simply put, there is no time for her to run to the library or consult her notes. Instead, she is fighting/learning on her feet and she is aware that every moment might be her last. Yet it's all worth it if the Wizarding World loses some of its prejudices.

Witty, sharp and rather obsessed with self etiquette, Hermione can come on a bit strong, which might very well be the reason many take a disliking to her. She is mentally above her classmates, but unlike what one might expect, this does not cause her to have an ego. Hermione is relatively down to earth, but when her logic fails her, she has a hard time seeing the point of view of anyone else.

Yet, over the years, Hermione has become more adept at interacting with others (and not driving them crazy with her "know-it-all" speeches). While her intellect sets her apart from her classmates, there is another issue that puts her at a slight disadvantage in the Wizarding World. Overall, Hermione is proud to be a Muggleborn. She finds it intriguing to be able to see both worlds clearly. This, to her, is an advantage. In many ways, she shares this knowledge with Harry. It is my opinion that this is one of the reasons why they are such good friends.

However, her blood status is also a weakness for her. When called ‘Mudblood’ or demeaned before a person realizes what she is capable of doing, Hermione fights back the tears in her eyes. (Though, even while in the midst of tears, the witch is formidable - as Draco Malfoy found out in their Third Year.)

Above all things, Hermione has a good heart. Her mind might wander onto venues that matter to no one else but her, yet her heart is always true. She would willingly die for any of her friends/family, and she has a tendency to stay up late at night worrying about a certain black haired boy with a lightning shaped scar.

Hermione is relentless when it comes to seeing to Harry and Ron’s well-being in particular. Whenever they fight, she finds herself emotionally torn between them. When Ron left her and Harry during their Seventh Year, she was especially upset. In fact, she was practically inconsolable until he returned. (Yet that might be more because of her feelings for Ron and less because of her worry over her friendship with the boys.)

In the end, Hermione values her friends/family over any knowledge she could obtain. She is a true Gryffindor and she will do the right thing when push comes to shove. Actually, she will probably do the right thing before push comes to shove, but she can be counted on to act when the chips are down.

(Additional Note: Rowling stated that Hermione and Dumbledore are her "voices of reason", so Hermione's "job" (so to speak) became even more important after Dumbledore died.)

Harry Potter: Hermione is very close to Harry for many reasons. Of course their friendship started after the troll incident in their First Year, but it has grown exponentially. In a way, there are some things Hermione and Harry can share that Ron will never be able to understand (i.e. their Muggle heritage/background).

Additionally, I see Harry and Hermione as true best friends. She knows how to help him think logically and he knows how to calm her down. For example, in their Fifth Year when Harry was sent the false vision of Sirius being tortured by Voldemort, Hermione pleaded with Harry to think it through and consider the possibility that Voldemort was baiting him. Harry accepted her logic, but he also knew that he couldn't risk the possibility that she was wrong. Hermione conceded to him and backed him up for the entire journey. Even when things went horribly wrong, she never blamed him or held his decision against him. True friends don't play the blame game when one of them is grieving, after all.

In the Seventh Book, Hermione gets even closer to Harry. He realizes - not for the first time - how much she loves Ron and he does what he can to support her (even when Ron leaves). And, while she is being tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, he is the one who stays calm and thinks of a way out of the dungeon where he, Ron, Luna and Mr. Ollivander are being held.

Ron Weasley: Hermione and Ron had a shaky beginning, but that volatile mix of acceptance and dissent is what composes their relationship. However, over the years, a new emotion has entered the cycle of fighting/making up. Their Fourth Year was the first year Hermione realized she had deeper feelings for Ron (i.e. when he failed to ask her out for the Yule Ball). Since then, her feelings have only gotten stronger and stronger. In the Seventh Book, it's clear that Hermione loves him. But a war is hardly the time or place to forge a already tentative relationship. Besides, after the little show Tom Riddle's Locket put on for Ron, Hermione will have to work on showing Ron how much she loves him and that she doesn't want anyone else in his place.

Ginny Weasley: Ginny is Hermione's best girl friend. The two of them gossip and come up with solutions behind the boys' backs. For example, Hermione was the one who told Ginny that she should date other boys in order to make Harry jealous. In the Seventh Book, however, Hermione is far away from Ginny. She would love to be able to talk to the redhead, but that would put Ginny in even more danger.

The Weasleys (in general): The Weasleys are like a second family to Hermione. Should one of them die in the war, it would devastate her. (It was hard enough dealing with the small period where Mrs. Weasley thought she was cheating on Harry in the Fourth Book.)

Luna Lovegood: At first, Hermione thought Luna was crazy. But, now... No. She still thinks she's crazy. But she also sees how caring and sweet the girl can be. In a strange way, Luna's dreamy quality balances out Hermione's strict logic well.

Various Professors: Hermione has and will always respect Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, Professor Flitwick and, yes, even Professor Snape. Unlike Harry, she isn't quite sold on the idea that Snape is working strictly for Voldemort. She believes that Dumbledore was far too smart (and too powerful) to be killed in the manner that he was - unless there was some sort of planning in action. Of course this is all conjecture on her part. For all she knows, Dumbledore could have been caught off-guard by Snape. Yet she hopes for the best outcome considering he is now the Headmaster at Hogwarts.

As for other Professors - Hermione regrets that Remus couldn't stay their DADA Professor. The lessons she learned from him came in very handy Third Year and onward. However, there is one Professor that she will never understand. Professor Trelawney may have redeemed herself somewhat in their Fifth Year (considering she is the one who made the original prophecy about Harry), but Hermione is still dubious about her skills (and Divination in general).

House Elves: Hermione will always stand up for their rights - even if they don't want her to. She views House Elves as slaves who have forgotten what it's like to be free. Therefore, once they're all freed, she wants to set up organizations to help rehabilitate them. She considers Dobby a success, though she wishes he could have lived much longer.

Death Eaters/Voldemort: Hermione is a Muggleborn. It's understandable why Voldemort and his Death Eaters would underestimate her and torture her: she is one of the "weaker breed" in their world, after all. Yet Hermione is determined to prove them wrong and show them how powerful/intelligent she can be.

All of the Magic and spells she has learned over the years.


{There is a sharp intake of breath, hinting that the user is in pain. Then the camera turns, revealing Hermione, looking entirely out of sorts. If anyone looks closely enough, they will see small tears in her eyes.}

How...did I get here? {She clutches her arms around her, face pale.} H-Harry? Ron? {Inhaling shallowly, she falls to her knees.} This isn't Shell Cottage.

I suppose...that goes without saying. {Silence follows that statement as Hermione searches for her purse. When she locates it, she lets out a pent-up breath.}

C-Can anyone hear me? I need...some medical attention. I'm bleeding. But it's nothing life-threatening...

{She isn't sure she should even say that much. Then again, it's not like she has much choice. At the moment, she is going to have to take a chance.}

I also require...other information. If you can help, I would appreciate it greatly.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: [If you would prefer a sample that is set within Cape and Cowl, I can do that.]

How many weeks had it been since they had left the Burrow? Hermione had lost track. She knew it was getting colder and the nights seemed longer, but, other than that, she was completely unaware of the date.

We'll miss Christmas.

That thought did nothing to comfort her. In fact, it only reminded her of everything - and everyone - she had left behind. Though her parents were Muggles, they had always been so accepting of her Magical talents. Part of her worried that they would change their minds after the war ended. Who could blame them? She had wiped their memories clean and then sent them to Australia. Anyone sane would be spooked that their daughter could do that.

But it had been for their own good. Again and again Hermione reminded herself of that fact. Yet that didn't stop her from feeling guilty as she kept watch over the camp at night.

Tonight was one of those nights. Reaching inside of her shirt, she clutched the Horcux in her fist and wished, briefly, that she could crush it. Even if she had the strength, there was no telling what kind of effect that would have on her. Voldemort's soul might enter her and use her as a puppet. Shivering in disgust, she dropped the locket back against her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees.

It...was for the best. He would've found them and killed them.

That was the plain, cold truth. Squeezing her eyes shut, Hermione fought back tears.

They're safe. The war can't reach them.

She knew there were many, many other Muggles (and Muggleborns) that weren't nearly as safe. Wiping at her tears, she lifted her head and glowered at the dancing flames. She had no room to cry or feel sorry for herself. She was proud of her heritage. She was proud of being a witch and she was proud of being a Muggleborn. Not many people knew what it was like to live in both worlds. No one was going to make her feel bad for...for something she couldn't help! Actually, it was something she didn't want to help.

Glancing back at the tent, she spotted the sleeping forms of Harry and Ron. A small, sad smile touched her lips. She was so lucky. Perhaps it wasn't so extraordinary that Harry was one of her best friends. He was from the same background, after all. But Ron...

He didn't have to befriend me. He's a Pureblood.

Even though she agreed that a person's blood-line was a stupid way to estimate their worth, she did have to acknowledge that he had taken a significant risk when he didn't have to. The Weasleys could have...sided with Voldemort. They would have been accepted. Yet they chose to stand up (and stand by) people like her.

They know what matters.

Tucking her hair behind her ears, Hermione looked up at the stars and inhaled deeply. The final battle would come eventually. She would fight side-by-side with her best friends and do the best she could to end Voldemort's reign of tyranny. She was certain the world would be a much, much better place once he was dead. Then, Harry would be free and the Muggleborns (and Muggles alike) would stop living in fear.

We'll make it through this. We will.

Rocking back and forth, Hermione repeated this mantra over and over again until her heart slowed to a bearable pace.

Is there anything else about your character that you feel we should know, that isn't covered in any of the earlier sections? This field is optional.

application, information, cape and cowl

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