Time for an unpdate

Jun 08, 2007 21:32

I've been living in the "real world" for a month. It's all done and it's all beginning at the same time, yet here I sit restless and bored. The graduation ceremony didn't give me any closure I didn't really even want to do it in the first place. Columbia really didn't have a campus or any sense of a college community. I only really talked to a couple people outside of classes and I doubt I'll even keep in touch. College was never supposed to be big party in my mind. Because I payed for my education, I treated it as an investment. I payed my dues and now I have a piece of paper to show for it. Now I can concentrate on working full time instead of working and going to school. Maybe that's also why I never got closer to my peers- I simply didn't have time. I quickly learned that working your way through school leaves no time for a social life, but what other option did I have? Looking back I wish I would have done a few things differently. I wish I could have not worked while going to school. I feel like I half assed most of my assignments because I simply didn't have the time or the energy after work. I look at my portfolio and I look at the work of some of the other kids and there is an obvious difference. But like I said, I don't know how I would have been able to do it differently and still been able to pay rent, utilities, and feed myself. If I ever have kids I will do everything in my power to pay for their college. I know my mom did what she could, but sometimes I look at the size of my Dad's house and all the expensive gadgets inside of it and I wonder why I was living in a shitty apartment constantly stressed out about money.

But it's done. On to the rest of my life...

I'm in limbo. I'm done with phase one and patiently waiting, hoping, willing, phase two to kick in. I moved out of previously mentioned shithole apartment a couple weeks ago. I'm currently freeloaing in Dave and Wendi's apartment until July 1st. Then Dave and I are moving into our own place in Oak Park. I'm really excited- it's a beautiful apartment and great neighborhood, and I'm so happy to be living with Dave. I just wish we could move in now. I know they don't mind me being here, but I feel awkward- this isn't my place- I'm living out of a few boxes and staking out a few corners for my stuff. This weekend they're both out of town and I'm hanging out at their place alone. It just feels a little strange like when my parents left me home alone for the first time over the weekend. I'm enjoying the time to myself, but kind of feeling weird about being alone in their place.

I'm starting a job on Monday. I'll be working for Rain Communications which is a small creative boutique that does advertising, design, interactive and everything inbetween. It's really the ideal job for me because I don't have to choose between design or advertising but can do both. The only draw back is that I have to work for the first month as an unpaid intern. After that, my boss will assess how everything is going and then we'll talk about salary. I hate the pressure- I understand that I'm fresh out of school and I really don't have any previous experience to leverege, but I'm so afraid I'm going to do something to screw up this chance to get my foot in the door. So far, noone has been wiling to give me chance- even the entry level jobs want someone with 3-5 years of experience. Where are we supposed to get this experience I ask? Well they're willing to give me the experience, but only if I'm worthy. I have one month to show that I can be a designer. Wish me luck.
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