Title: Salt Its Tail
brightknightie (Amy R.)
Fandom: Young Blades
Length: ~7K words
Rating (Warnings): PG (violence)
Characters: Starring Jacqueline Roget. (Also with d’Artagnan fils, Ramon, Siroc, Duval, Mazarin, Bernard, and the King.)
Summary: When the Musketeers apprehend some smugglers, the King’s reward is the cardinal’s ruse, and Jacqueline ponders her own imposture.
Prompt: #47 “One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that one’s life has meaning, that one is needed in this world.” - Hannah Senesh (1921-1944), WWII commando and poet
Preface: May I introduce you to the TV series Young Blades? It’s a “The Three Musketeers: The Next Generation” in which farmer’s daughter Jacqueline Roget poses as disinherited nobleman Jacques Laponte in order to join the Musketeers, avenge her family, and thwart the evil Mazarin. Only the son of the famous d’Artagnan knows Jacques is Jacqueline. (For credits and chatter, please see the endnote.)
Salt Its Tail” on AO3