Careers (Hermione, PG)

Aug 16, 2005 00:20

Title: Careers
Author: thistlerose
Rating: PG
Warnings: language
Prompt: 29. Death does not frighten me, but dying obscurely and above all uselessly does.--Isabelle Eberhardt
Summary: Rome wasn't built in a day. Beta read by midnitemaraud_r. Approx. 1,200 words. Post-series, no spoilers.

When Hermione Granger went to work for the Ministry of Magic they gave her the smallest office in the building, apparently thinking that it would faze her.

It didn't.

titles a-l, femgen 2005, author: thistlerose, fandom: harry potter, character: hermione granger

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Comments 80

ignipes August 16 2005, 05:48:32 UTC
I like this a lot! I love that Hermione hasn't really changed. She's grown up, but she's still Hermione, faults and strengths and all. And her reaction to Ministry job feels spot on -- she started out with idealism and ended up with a lot of thankless hard work, but she's sticking to it, just like we hope she would.

Great job!


thistlerose August 16 2005, 15:30:53 UTC
Thank you! :)

This did end up being more of a character sketch than anything else. Which I'm happy about. I'm so glad you liked it!


lazy_neutrino August 16 2005, 10:50:29 UTC
Excellent and very believable. Don't think I've seen you write Hermione before: you do it extremely well!


thistlerose August 16 2005, 15:32:07 UTC
I've written her a few times, but it's always been in the context of Ron/Hermione. This is my first (mostly) gen story involving her.

I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you!! :)


lls_mutant August 16 2005, 13:28:08 UTC
Oh, definitely love this. Very Hermione, and I've always wondered how she'd go with S.P.E.W. (I was very disappointed, actually, that there were NO mentions of S.P.E.W. in HBP.) And I love Ginny calling Umbridge Umbitch. She so would :)

Great job!


thistlerose August 16 2005, 15:33:39 UTC
I was disappointed, too! I mean, she was a bit irritating sometimes, but I'd really wanted to see her idea evolve. I really hope that that happens in HP7.

Thank you so much! :)


tabula_x_rasa August 16 2005, 15:07:42 UTC
I love this! There is not enough good gen in the world. You write an excellent Hermione.


thistlerose August 16 2005, 15:34:37 UTC
Thank you! :)


book_people August 16 2005, 15:35:23 UTC
*grin* It's always nice to read a well written gen. I didn't get into fandom for the slash (or any of the ships, for that matter). I got into it for the stories, for Hermione's spirit and determination, for Remus' quiet pride and strength, for the unwavering loyalty shown in Harry, and Ron, and Dumbledore, for that matter. I love it when a writer can remind me of that.

Hermione is so well written here. I can just /see/ her sitting behind a shrunken desk with papers falling off it, fighting what quite a few people see as a losing battle because /she/ believes it's the right thing to do. Brilliant!


thistlerose August 16 2005, 17:02:50 UTC
Thank you!

I actually started out writing gen, before I decided which potential couples felt right to me. It's nice to get back to that sometimes.


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