jazanor called me at work a few moments ago telling me that he just got off the phone with his boss. He got his promotion and with a 10% raise rather than 8% !! Best part is his promotion was put into affect March 1, 2009. Which means his March 15th paycheck will reflect his raise. He has been with the company for the last 10 years, he has been under a few crappy bosses, has been laid off before he was asked to come back and do what he is doing now. In fact, he has been doing the work that he is just NOW being recognized for the last two years. He has been through the ringer!! Seen his department been torn apart, traded, restructured and will probably see it a few more times over before it's all said and done!
Congratulations, My Engineer II, Baby!
I am very proud of you!
I love you,