Mar 31, 2008 16:59
Ok, so most of you know that I’ve been looking for a career change. So, this is what it boils down too.
I’ve been looking into teaching English in Japan. If you know me, you know that my husband and I are dying to go over and visit Japan and we’ve both come to the hard conclusion that we won’t be satisfied with just a week or two. So, we’ve decided we want to live over there for a year or two. Now, this isn’t going to happen anytime soon. I have to get my teaching certificate (TEFL/TESL) and probably get at least my AA in English which incidentally I can achieve with in 18 months from any credited Online University.
I should also hope that someone would be willing to hire me on with NO experience, (sheepish grin)!
Now, it’s a given that I will have to loose weight. I will just be better off all around if I did. I big person trying to live in such small places, yeah I made that face too! I’d just be more comfortable and I know it.
So, what to do with my new housie? Gonna rent it out to one of coupled friends that we can trust. We figured we’d pay half the mortgage and they’d pay what’s left plus all the utilities. Oh, and they gain two cats. Not getting rid of my babies though I’d doubt they’d remember me when we finally come back. *sniffle* I’d remember them!
Oh! I cut my hair! Yeah! Yeah! I did! Think I will keep it this way. Much easier to manage and I like it.
Oh and what about the over grown boy of mine? He is going to check into making a transfer to Japan or take a two year sabbatical. Become a translator for his company or find a small part time job. He has been working since he was 16 so, it would be nice for him to take a break.