The XX Grand Finale!

Jan 09, 2012 23:57

So, yesterday me, megan_moonlight, andrea_deer and my brother, went collecting money for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. This year we collected to help premature children and to buy insulin pumps for pregnant women with diabetis. It is a very good cause, and hopefully, we all raised a big ammount to help them :) Some of you may remember we also helped last year, and I plan to help again next year :)

WOŚP (for that is the poolish acronym) is I think the biggest, or at least ONE of the biggest charities in Poland. They do way more than just collect money once a year. The 'Finale' as they call it, is the biggest event, yes, but those people work all year long. There is a marathon organised to raise awarenes of diabetis. There are 5 medical programs that they finance all year long: the insulin pumps, checking out the hearing of new born children, the Instant Flow breathing help for newborns, help to prematures and a nation wide first-aid courses for children, young people, and everyone else.

There are more, but as you can see, they not only help, but also by what they do, raise awareness in people, that help is needed. You have no idea how 90% people in this country change on that day. When you are a volunteer, people smile at you for no reason. Couples with little children come over to give some money, and tell the kids what they are helping with. Young and old become aware that everyone can help, and that we SHOULD help, however we can, even if it is to donate 10 cents.

There were many people dressed up as Star Wars characters, I saw a Shreck and Jack Sparrow too :) On 8 pm, there was the Grand Finale with 'A Light Towards Heaven', which is a huge firework event. You can see some of this years photos here. It was very pretty :)

Each year we collect more and more. Last year it was 47 248 415,05 which amounts to about 16,499,157.81 USD. This year they already have over 40 million, and are still counting. I hope they brake the 50 million mark! :D It was the 20'th Finale, next year is lucky number 21 :D If fate lets me, I will be there, with everyone, trying to help others, and having great fun at the same time! :D

wośp, megan, andy

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