p_for_polkadots recently posted a funny questionnaire for her friends to fill, to get to know them better :) I really liked it, so I thought I'd ask you guys to do it too :) It's Harry Potter oriented, for a change :)
I've been on a 'Get To Know My Flist Better' track lately, and this is a part of it. A lot of my flist is from the HP fandom, and not the GW one :) And I love them just as much! :D
p_for_polkadots agreed to let me use this, but I'm not sure about re-distibuting it further, so do ask, if you guys want to take it too :)
Your name:
Your favourite user pic:
Fandom clichés you love:
Fandom clichés you hate:
Fandom clichés you are guilty of committing yourself:
Apples, pears or bananas?
Sparkling glitter or no sparkling glitter?
Your favourite magical creature (vampire/werewolf/veela/etc.)?
Biscuits or cake?
Tea or coffee?
Nature or nurture?
Plot or porn?
If you were stranded on a lonely island all by yourself and could take one source of entertainment with you, which would it be: books, music or a television set (no news, only entertainment) and no, internet is not an option :p
If you had the chance to steal one of the following items, which would it be: Harry’s broom, Draco’s wand or Lucius’ cane? (And no, these aren’t supposed to be phallic symbols, so get your minds out of the gutter, you perverts.)
Which of the HP pets would you like to keep (Hedwig/Trevor/Crookshanks/Fawkes etc.)?
I wish there was more fic/art about:
And finally let’s play a round of shag, marry or throw off a cliff. Which of the following would you shag, marry or throw off a cliff?
Marauders (James sen., Sirius, Remus, Peter)?
Umbridge, Filch, Vernon Dursley?
McGonagall, Sprout, Madame Pomfrey?
Harry, Draco, Ron?
Pansy, Luna, Ginny?
Hagrid, Dumbledore, Flitwick?
and last but not least, the crazy Black sisters: Bella/Narcissa/Andromeda?
:) <3
PS: If anyone wants it, I can post my answers too :)