(no subject)

Sep 12, 2010 04:55

I should proably write about my birthday, yes?

Well, first of all, I want to thatn all those people who wished me a good birthday. You have no idea how good that made me feel. It was such a small gesture, and I smiled like a maniac :D I love you all for that, you are all so awesoooome ^____^ <3

If not for those people who took the time to give me their wishes, my birthday would be rather a sad day. Well, I spent it at home. Before my computer. Doing work for mom, cleaning the house, taking care of brother. My aunt and grandma came over later on. We ate some pie... that's that. My mom didn't eben think of making dinner, so I had to make something for me and brother.

I've been rather sad lately, and it's a bit different than usual, more like I just lost will to fight the depression.  I cling to the few people who keep in touch with me lately, and they keep me going in a big way. It;s just when I'm left alone that I just... fall appart. I'm sorry for the angry, whining posts lately. It's just, I get mad so easily, lately.  I could go on, and on about it... but that's not something you guys wanna know.

I met with two of my friends today. For being men, they did a suprisingly great job of cheering me up. They bought me scottish butter cookies! Gotta love them for that! ;) They just... were there, joked arround, didn't act funny, and I know it sounds stupid but... I like the way they kinda look up to me. They LISTEN to what I say, not like most people, who despite everything they say, don't take me seriously. Those two do. They listen, and they are not afraid to comment back. It's refreshing.

I didn't mnage to go to the hairdresser for yet another week, since my parents didn't give me back my money. Also my LJ payment is coming up. Luckily, all is good with school so far.

I guess I'm just in a needy mood. Another year went by, and I'm still single, jobless, my friends move away from me, and I just feel a bit lonely. A bit of a failure too.

This is gonna sound stupid, but... I really think a lot of my problems would have solved themselves, if I just FOUND someone.

There are days when I would kill for a simple hug...


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