I WONDER..................

Sep 01, 2005 11:17

If god created man in his own image than I am really starting to think that devil created woman.
Think about it: Adam was perfect, supposedly, yet Eve was flaud. I am starting to believe that we as woman are a product of Satin's design.
*No man could kill the way a woman can.
*We can justify and make since out of anything, if we choose.
*Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn, this is true.
*women can manipulate decieve, and change in a split second.
I am starting to believe this is true, for the past three weeks I have been writing about this in my book. I have found hundreds of thousands of things to support this theory, and only a few that could prove it wrong. And the main one is words in a book that people believe to be the word of God. WOW! I am tired, i will bitch about this later.

Their are good people and there are bad people, if you put a good person in with a few bad people they will change and become bad them selves, but if you take a bad person and put them in a place with good people, chances are A) they will start do be good B) change the good to bad
I have witnessed (B) more than (A)!
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