So the Big Deal today is Obama's promise to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Lots of reactions, obviously. Twitter is all afire with it.
Now, like any person in their right mind, I oppose DADT. I'm not even sure what the logic behind it is -- somehow, apparently, having an openly gay soldier will destroy the "moral fabric" of the Army/Navy/whathaveyou? It's absurd, and is just another example of the homophobia that annoys me the most -- this notion that GLBTQ people are somehow bestial, uncivilized, and immoral.
I wish I could say that DADT is simply useless, but it's worse than that -- it's detrimental. We can't afford to be losing soldiers and potential soldiers.
Obama has, I believe, said a few times, both in the campaign and during his presidency, that he opposes the law and intends to repeal it. A lot of people are crying impatiently for it to happen now, no more waiting, no more promises, it's time for action.
Me? I'm...actually ok with waiting. I know that may be an unpopular opinion, and maybe I'd feel differently if the law affected me directly, rather than affecting my fellow GLBTQ people. But I don't mind waiting.
Listen, contrary to popular belief and also
this picture, Obama is not Superman. There is no way he can possibly do all the things people are clamoring for. He has to do what we all do -- prioritize.
And you know what the priority is right now? I'm sorry to be seemingly cold and calculating about this, but if you look at it as a numbers game, the priority is healthcare reform. Yes, DADT affects thousands of soldiers and potential soldiers. But there are 46 million Americans without health insurance, and even those of us who do have coverage get screwed over by our providers.
Healthcare is an entirely broken system. DADT is comparatively tiny.
All I ask, Obama, is that you do follow through on this promise. Whether it's a year, three years, or seven years from now -- don't let us down. Do what you need to do with healthcare and other huge issues (like the wars), but when the time is right -- don't let us down.