I'd like to know what you lot think about this...
Today should be a special day of sorts - after all, it’s August 25th, Rob Halford’s birthday. The man whose legacy as one of the Best Voices of Metal, due mainly to his role in one of the Best Bands Ever, has turned 60 years old today. From what I saw and heard back in July, as well as what I know about his other projects which include a Dio tribute album; he has no plans to slow down just yet.
At the same time, it’s forcing me to look again at that little bugbear of mine, mortality. Not just my own, as I turned 25 last week (hence my motives for praising 1986 as a pretty good year) but also that of music - namely metal.
Read the rest of the article, on my blog Me(n)tal-Meltdown So what do you guys think about this? I'm asking not just the newcomers but the old school metalheads in the audience as well, who still have their denim vests with patches in their wardrobes.