Happy holidays, danii_ellie!

Dec 26, 2006 19:32

Author: domina_malfoy
For: danii_ellie
Title: A Long Night
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A job well done deserves a reward. Bella/Fleur.
Disclaimer: I own nothing from Harry Potter.
Warnings: Use of Unforgivables, mild bondage and domination. HBP spoilers. Unbeta-ed.
Authour's Note: This was my first time writing femslash and I must say that I enjoyed it. I've read it but I’ve never made an attempt at writing it until now. Thanks danii_ellie for allowing me to discover this pairing =D

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"Fleur, ma belle, come warm up by the fire and tell Bella what you've learned." Glad to be away from the snow and cold, Fleur followed her lover into the tastefully decorated cottage and into the living room where a fire was burning. She took her usual spot on the rug by the fire and Bellatrix's feet. "So, pet, what news do you have today? You said it was important."

"It is! I 'eard 'Arry and Ron last night. 'Arry told Ron they only 'ave two Horcruxes left to find before they destroy your Lord!"

"Horcruxes?!" Bellatrix shrieked. Fleur nodded enthusiastically. She didn't know what Horcruxes were but if they had anything to do with the destruction of the Dark Lord, she knew she had to tell Bella. "Are you sure?" Bella asked. Fleur nodded again. "He must not have told many people about them if hasn't told me," Bella mused. "Rather insulting, actually," she mumbled. "I'm one of his most devoted followers."

"And he shall reward you greatly for this information!" Fleur soothed her lover happily.

"He shall," Bellatrix agreed. "And for a job well done, you deserve a reward as well, do you not?" she purred, running a hand through Fleur's silky hair. "Tell me what you want, pet."

Fleur shivered and leaned into the touch. "Own me."

- - -

Fleur sat in the middle of the bed, naked with her legs folded next to her in a lady like fashion. She kept her head down slightly as Bella walked around the room dressed in a black leather corset accompanied by black garters while admiring her french lover. When the Death Eater had taken over the cottage - having killed the poor old man who owned it - she had done a little redecorating. The bed had been her first project since she refused to sleep on anything but the best. She had also positioned so it sat in the middle of the room, perfectly placed for her to circle her pet. She'd even made the bed round, insisting that it was easier to circle.

Fleur listened to the light click of Bella's heels, anticipating the things to come. At home with Bill, the little time he wasn't on Order business or busy working, Fleur was treated to tender love making and whispered words of love. Bill treated her with care and gentleness, almost as if he was afraid to hurt her, but here with Bella, Fleur got to play.

When the clicking ceased, Fleur glanced up slightly to see where her mistress was. With her head down and hair covering part of her eyes, Fleur saw Bella's white thighs and ached to have her face between them. She knew she would get her chance later, but for now she had to remain still until she was told she could move.

"Accio whip," Fleur heard Bella whisper before the whip flew over with a swish. More clicking of heels and Fleur almost begged for her master to hurry. Almost.

The clicking stopped and there was a quick crack from the whip before Fleur gasped and arched her chest forward feeling a stinging line go from her left to right shoulder where the whip had hit her. Another crack and a second stinging line on her lower back. The bed shifted slightly and Fleur felt a hand under her chin, gently coaxing her head to turn. She opened her blue eyes and looked into Bella's lust filled eyes.

"Tell me, Fleur, does your dear husband play with you like this?" Bellatrix whispered. The question had been asked many times before and Fleur gave the same answer each and everytime.

"Non," she whispered.

"Would you ever let him be your master like I am your mistress?" Bella asked.


"Good girl." The hand on her chin disappeared and the bed shifted again.

Two more successive cracks of the whip and two more lines burning on Fleur's back.

The young witch remained still with her head thrown back and her body arched forward as she listened to her lover return the whip to it's place before taking her time in walking back to the bed. The mattress shifted and dipped and Fleur felt Bella kneeling in front of her. Finger tips and nails gently slid from her neck, over her collarbone and between her breast to stop at her navel before they traveled to her side to stop at the bottom of her back.

Bella pressed her body flush to Fleur's and looked down at her pet who still had her head tilted back and her back arched. "Look at me," Bella purred. Fleur opened her eyes and brought her head up to come face to face with dark eyes. "Do you trust me?" Bella asked.

Fleur opened her mouth to answer but paused. She'd only ever been asked that question by Bella once before. The first time she'd come in contact with the Death Eater had been the first and last time she'd been asked about trust. She had answered no that night but had also told Bella she was willing to take a chance on what would happen should she follow the older woman.

"Do you trust me?" Bella asked again. Fleur nodded. There had been multiple times when her mistress could have harmed her but all she ever received was pleasure. She had to believe that tonight would be the same. There was no reason why things would change now. "Did you know that the last time I used an Unforgivable was seven months ago when I killed the old muggle who owned this cottage? I didn't even get to play with him," Bella confessed sadly. "I killed a chipmunk that was using my Christmas tree as a nest last week but that's hardly the same. I didn't play with him either. I'll admit it was rather cute. But never mind that. I need practice or I'm going to get rusty. My aims not as good as it used to be. Years in Azkaban really didn't agree with me."

"You want to hurt me?" Fleur asked, getting worried for the first time.

"Of course not! You're too beautiful to torture! I would make it good for you. I would ensure you get pleasure. Don't look at me like that, pet. There exists one spell that can make a person do the impossible."

"Imperius," Fleur whispered.

"Do you wish to keep obeying me?" Bellatrix asked. "Do you wish to allow me to keep giving you pleasure time and time again?" Fleur took a moment to think before nodding. She didn't have much of a choice in the matter. "Splendid! Did you know this has been used by wizards for centuries?" Fleur cocked a disbelieving eyebrow. "Ok, so the prisoner in the holding cell next to mine back in Azkaban told me about this but she insisted it was very good." Without giving Fleur the time to change her mind, Bella moved away from her pet and cast the spell. Fleur swayed slightly and her eyes glazed over. "Will you do as I say?" Bella asked, smiling when Fleur nodded. "You will enjoy everything I do to you in the next few minutes. Lie back."

Fleur lay down on her back and rested her head on the pillow, unable to disobey and eager for what was to come. She shivered when the tip of Bella's wand traveled down her body to stop between her legs for a second before coming back up.

"You're so wet, my pet. Are you ready?"


"Crucio." Fleur immediately started crying out in pleasure despite the torture her body was going through and Bella nearly drooled at the feeling surging through her. She ceased the spell moments later and Fleur quieted down, panting hard. "So beautiful," Bella told her. "Crucio." She cast the spell again holding it a few moments longer than the first time before stopping. She didn't want to cause any damage to her lover.

Bella looked down at the panting blond sprawled before her, body flushed and covered with a sheen of sweat. The sight was too irresistible to ignore any longer as was the need for release building inside her. She quickly set her wand aside before stripping down to nothing and laying down next to Fleur to catch her lips in a kiss.

"This is going to be a long night, my pet," Bella promised. "A very long, but good night."


I apologise for the sudden ending but I had to do that or this fic would end up being miles long and I was supposed to hand this in two days ago *blushes* I MAY continue it after the big reveal but for now it stays the way it is. Also, this was my first time writing femslash let alone BDSM and the likes so I hope I didn’t screw it up to badly lol
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