Mar 24, 2006 14:51
right now i am swamped with a lot of work. i havent slept in 2 days going on 3, and im completely fine with that. things are starting to look up for me, im actually getting excited a little. i decided to take it upon myself to neglect those that give off bad vibrations. i hate to say this but i lost a friend on monday. No, he did not pass on, i just simply erased his number from my phone. if anyone knows me, they will know if you get erased from my cell phone, i REALLY do NOT want to talk to you anymore. i think its better this way
i noticed that, despite all the bad vibrations that i just recently shook off, i found out that every black tunnel has to have an end. my life at home, was just a worm hole with no appearant end. up here, im glad to say, i have managed to finally see the end... and, to finally see it for the first time in years is such a great feeling to me. i realized i have great friends, some that i just met, who really do care for me, and vise versa with them, and want to keep me away from things that i should not let tempation give in to. trust me, im trying my hardest. these past 2 days ive had alot of time to actually think about life and how i should go at this. tv is retarded, i dont watch it anymore, cuz if you havent realized, television tends to depict only the happy-go-lucky! peachy keen! side of life. ive come to the conclusion that im going to give my all in everything that i do. now now, lets not label me an over achiever cuz god knows that i am NOT that. i am still going to have my fun, but lately i've been having fun staying sober.. to an extent. now, by, give my all in everything, i really mean,
1. get my work done, and have it done right.
2. dont talk shit about people, just kill them with kindness... to like the 10th degree!
3. if i get in a fight, dont expect me to run away, i'm not afraid to get hit, let alone hit them. just unleash it all on someone who truly deserves it
that doesnt mean im going to be picking fights, heavens to betsy no! but i can say that if it does come down to it, ill pull a fight club and bash their heads into the concrete...yaaay!!
::daddy just hit mommmy at the dinner table silence:::
hahahahah only selected few actually know what i mean by that.
i feel like i am rambling on, but i have so much more to say. i think i am an alright writer, it just sucks that im failing comp. go figure. till then!