Oct 10, 2005 22:10
OOOOOMMMMMGGGGGGGGG. do you seriously want me to tell you about how AMAZING this years HOMECOMMING WAS!??!?!!!?!? ...........................................................................................................................................................................IT WAS FREAKING AMAZINGGGGGGGG.
THE danceeee itself was the shit, me & my girls SHUT DOWN THE PLACE WITH OUR BADDDDDDDD ASSSSSSSSSS DRESSSSSSSSSSSSES, i think i got voted "most sluttiest dress" lmao by the majority.. and the night was so fun! ............after the dance turned out to be even better, with a LONG AZZ limooooooo ride around TiZzOwN with my girls & some "other company" lol. then the last stop of the nite @ Amandas house a lil before 3AM for a sLeEpoVerrrrrrrr. <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 senior year jus keeps getting better & better ;)
...but ever since then i've been living off of like...strictly between 5 and 7 hours of sleep each nite.. DANG I HAVE SOME CATCHING UP TO DOOOO!