(no subject)

Aug 24, 2005 23:00

today i went to go pick up my school Schedual.............

so basically its the shizzzzzzzzzzzz. haha dont even hate that i'm gonna get evey single class i EFFING WANT. ...dont evennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

<33333333props to mrs. madis lol

newho. i have to go back on Friday (sophmore schedual pick up day) to fix my Incomplete schedual cuz i'm missing a 2nd and 5th hour. but w/e i know excactly wut i'm gona takeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. ! Just the fact that i have Ceramics 1st hr makes me so darnnn happy. like...wuta BLOW OFF, EASY ASS, LATE FOR SCHOOL EVEY DAY class to have. loveeeeeeeee it. i hope i have freinds in it...but w/e as long as i have my buddy Mr. IPOD ...i'll survive ;) MOVING ON------------after that i came home, but my mom is encourageing me to get a job suddenly and told me that i should go apply at Mapel Village. SO i left to go apply there. i wasnt gonna @ 1st...but when i was w/ Melanie she was telling me ab how its sucha good place to work...and it IS close...and they do pay pretty good, adn the hours are...the SHIT. so w/e i went there. I didnt get an application but the manager Interviewed me, said that basically i have the job and to come back Sept 13th, talk to him again, and he'll start w/ training me to do w/e ppl do there? lmao i dotn even know wut skills the job requiers but wut everrr. ha. so after that i went to blockbuster, and gave the person workign there these 2 like...worth nothign passes that they sent in the mail that went even for free movies, but she didnt know wut she was doing and gave me 2 free movies anyway. hahaaa i save $8.90. lucky me ;) as i was backing out of my parking space tho...wtf the car suddenly STOPPED in the middle of the LOT. and if u know wut blockbuter i'm talking ab(the one on woodward), then u know the lot is like.....the smallest thing ever. so wtf i was blocking eveyone, ppl were honking @ me. and there wasnt nething i coudl do ab it cuz the Envoy wheel had locked? so i sat blockign the road and started freaking out ..and had to lke..call my mom. and she was telling me to calm down. lol i tried to turn the car off and it wouldnt, the key wouldnt even move. i kept puttin it in park..drive..reverse...eveything it wouldnt work. but after like..2min it started again. :( it was scary!!!!!!!!!!! i rented Beaut Shop which actually was really good and Guess Who which i havent watched yet. i duno why i rented that tho cuz it looks very homo. o well....................

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