Ronon would never have said it to Heightmeyer or the woman who eventually replaced her who he had also been obliged to talk to on occasion (for a given value of talk). But every time he ran, every time he shifted his posture, picked up the pace and moved at speed, he could feel the Wraith at his back whether they were there or not. Running through
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She was building a snowman.
It was partly out of boredom, and partly out of the fact that she'd always been too busy studying or something to take the time to just play in the snow, and partly because the snow reminded her of home, but whatever the reason, she was out in the drifts out back of her hut in New Atlantis, rolling snow into big balls. She had the body put together, and was decorating the face with bits of seashell when she saw a looming shadow fall across the snow and turned to see Ronon standing there.
"Oh, hey, Ronon," she said, not really knowing what else to say yet. She was glad to see him, of course, but she hadn't had enough experience with island arrivals yet to know what the best way to handle this was--at least, she thought he was a new arrival, though knowing the island who could tell?
Then headed towards her, watching her poke bits of sea shell into it's face, his footsteps steady and quiet on the snow. He nearly surprised her but he let his shadow fall across her elaborate waste of time until he had her attention. "Hey," he said, folding his arms and raising an eyebrow at the seashell pattern.
She stuck her hands in the pockets of her fleece-lined coat and grinned a little, because despite the weirdness she was really glad to see him. "At least you recognize me," she said. "There were a lot of people who didn't--Colonel Sheppard, Dr. Beckett, Teyla--so it was kind of awkward. They're all from earlier points in time... again, something Rodney tried to explain that didn't make a whole lot of sense."
Her next explanation however he didn't like. It didn't make sense and not in the way things were likely to not make sense around Atlantis. "Different times? No-one vanished." And Beckett who didn't know Jennifer was dead.
She watched Ronon fidgeting, probably trying to get warm, and shook her head. "You need to come in out of the cold," she said, glancing him over for signs of hypothermia. "My date with Frosty here is over--why don't you come inside with me and you can tell me more about when you came from."
"I'm fine," he told her glancing at the apparently personified sculpture. But he followed her in, not needing a lecture now when he wasn't even injured. "I was with you," he told her, "on the Daedelus. Saving you from the Wraith."
At her mention of him coming after, he wondered just when but simple made note - he could find out later.
"We were on the Daedalus," he said. "Todd said he wanted to try your gene therapy - you know - feed the Wraith food but it was just a trick, they took the ship. Everyone but us." He cleared his throat, "we stopped the engines but then they knew then they knew we were loose - you er, you tricked me so you could turn yourself in - Stop Todd killing people."
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