i don't get scared for my life often, but today was one of those days. i think everyone really lost their minds today. i had about 26565136574 near misses driving home. what the fuck, people?
i ordered a cover that will hopefully keep my windshield free of ice. i'm fed up with this scraping business every damn morning.
my fingers aren't working well due to the cold. this is the worst kind of cold, too. it makes my bones hurt. definitely still love winter, though.
i pretty much own statistics. you don't even know. ap lit on the other hand.....i hope i start making better grades. but that woman's tests kill me.
something is amiss in my checking account...my balances haven't been matching up..but in a good way, because according to my online banking i have more money than i thought i did. sweet.
i bought five more russel stover chocolate covered santa things today.
tonight's list of things to do:
-read like a mother for comparative politics
-eat pizza
and in case you didn't know what today is...
R.I.P. John Lennon