Oct 17, 2005 22:07
so, damn, last night was so much fun. panic! at the disco rocked. as for boys night out, the band kicked ass, the kids in the crowd were douches. you know things are getting a little out of hand when fifty or sixty people are pushed so hard they all fall down. i got a little scared at one poinit cause i didn't thing we could get back up, but we all made it eventually.
attention dumb girls, do not come to shows wearing flip flops and then bitch about how people are stepping on your toes.
we kept getting pushed onto the floor during motion city soundtrack, so i decided i'd had enough and got some kid to lift me up. kicked someone in the face, haha oh well. and did i mention daniel faber appeared out of thin air next to me? weird.
most awkward moment of my life also took place last night. the starting line was on and they were like "this next song is all about rawdoggin it!" i knew they were referring to "bedroom talk" so i screamed "YEEEEEEAAAHH!" but apparently no one else picked up on it and they all just looked at me like i was a creep. hahaha.
fall out boy once again stole the show. but i miss the days when they weren't so damn popular.
late night dinner at steak & shake, then back to kroger to pick up the car and go home. i've never slept so well. ha.
ps. this band from new zealand were at the show selling their cd and i bought it. pretty damn good too.