Feb 28, 2005 00:38
hey, sorry, ive calmed down now. But it just really really really pissed me off and i cant be bothered to do this again. Neway, belladonnatook keeps saying she has more hugs than me so go to my user thingy and give me some hugs! pretty please!!!!
btw, do ppl generally like there course??? most my modules are geology and theres not much i can do about it and its so fucknig dull!! i hate it, and im not gonna be a geologist. I dont really know what i want to do, but i do like studing and university, i just cant stand geology nemore!!!! the only module im enjoying rite now is archeology, but im not even meant to be doing it!! is the 2nd year too late to change?? i have to really think abotu this sometime.
btw, went to Bath this WE (tho ive already written abotu this once, damn lj) Was really nice, i love the city so much. Was good to see han and peeps too, and phil, and to go to possibly the only goth/rock ppub in the entire of bath!!
friday nite was awesome too. the 4.30 till 2am 10hr drinking marathon! plus hadnt been to a club for so long and had totally forgot how great it was!!! loved the music, even if i couldnt sleep for the ringing in my eears when i finally got home at 4am only to be phoned by han at 10am to get in the earliest train for Bath, i was not a happy bunny. Just a very hungover, tired one. And sat nite did not contain enough drinking!!!!
neway, had some cool nites, and now ive got to do work. geology sux. Y does ne1 in their rite minds do this!??!?!?!?
nite (and if this doesnt work this time, some1 dies... and dave aint here so its gonna be rob.... )