
Jan 14, 2008 16:33

It was only by a stoke of luck that I was able to get myself and my green haired comrade to Eugene and back for the Webley and Rev. Payton show last night in Eugene @ the WOW hall.
Thanks, Warner.
The opening band's washboard player was the fucking Les Claypool of washboard, even sporting a desk bell ringer mounted on the side of his instrument. It's skilled musicians like that who make me want to pick up Banjo as a serious hobby.
After that, Rev. Peyton's Big Damn Band got on stage and blew everybody away with their high energy dirty south soul music. Definately my favorite act of the night.
THEN Webley got on stage after Rev's 1st set and played the same act I saw at the Oregon Country Fair last year, but I danced my heart out anyway. 
The last act of the night involved both Jason Webley and all three members of The Rev's Band, which I can't really put into words. They played all the songs I knew the words to, and even played Two Bottles of Wine twice, the second time being the encore, so it was louder and faster. I crowd surfed to that one, not knowing that i bruised a rib during that song until I woke up today around 2:30 pm barely able to breathe. I also bled from the nose at some point during that set. My piercing was all scabby and disgusting, but that was nothing a little salt water didn't  fix.

I am by no means a religious person, but if anybody could get me to go to church, Reverend Peyton and Washboard Breezy could.
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