So today was my birthday

May 26, 2004 23:43

yeah.....thats right everybody. Today was my birthday, and once again for five straight years in a row none fo my friends remembered ( with two exceptions, thank you so much Meg and Jessicah, you two really made my day ) but with those exceptions NONE of my friends remembered, especially those from high school like Sam, Danielle, Danielle and that whole crew who allways seem to remember each others birthdays and do nice and special things for each other. Thanks guys, love ya, glad your my friends. Dad didnnt even call me today, no card either, nothing. Although I almost prefer not getting any callo as apposed to getting called the day after. got a card from my dads mom to, only there as nothing in it. Dont get me wrong I am most definatly NOT a vain person, but wouldnt YOU feel like shit not getting something on your birthday from the granmother who used to send you 5 bucks on every holiday ( like easter and valintines day). Any way, im off to spen the last nine m inutes of my birthday feeling sorry for myself, after all it is my day to do with as I please. Then Im going to bed
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