Dec 08, 2005 20:33
Hey everybody! Just to let you all know, I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL UNTIL JANUARY!!!Yes, I had my last exam this afternoon and now I'm so delighted not to have anything to worry about. It's such a great feeling, really.
Exams went smoothy - for the most part. Monday I had English, which I was very prepared for and did well. Tuesday was Business Statistics, which didn't have any surprises. It was as difficult as I expected. Wednesday I had Finance aka death exam. I've been dreading that one since I haven't been doing so hot in there. For the first time in my life, I'm hoping for a C. I think I got it but will know for sure in a couple of days. Today was Human Resource Management, quite honestly the easiest exam I've taken in my college career. I love Dr. Barnes now!
I've been a little bummed as my love life is gone. Jeff, whom I have been seeing for a few months now, broke things off with me on Tuesday. His timing really stunk, especially with my Death Exam looming over my head the next day. But anyway, the last few weeks have been really strained between me and him so I was half expecting it anyway. But when it actually happened I was pretty hurt. His reasoning? "I've been thinking of what I want, and right now I don't want this and just want to be friends. It's hard since you are there and I am here...." blah, blah, blah. He knew he was getting himself in a long-distance relationship. The hardest thing about is that things were going SO WELL and then BOOM, everything changes. I really, really liked this guy (which hasn't happened too much in my life) and I was starting to get attached. I was hurt and I was a mess on Tuesday night, but now I'm fine. I'm glad school is out, I'm looking forward to the holidays, and I know I'll find another man that's even better then him - eventually!
I really miss my friends on here cause I feel so out-of-touch with you all! I really do come on here and read your LJ's but just don't find the time to update mine. I'm planning on making my LJ more active espeically with the holiday break!