So, Xmas Eve, Huh?

Dec 24, 2005 12:58

Some people hate it when you write 'Xmas'. Some people say it's just an over-commercialised excuse for overindulgence in toys for the kids and food and alcohol for the grown-ups. I make a point of calling it Xmas precisely because all I'm really celebrating is a traditional excuse to overindulgence in toys, food and alcohol. I'm not a Christian, and believe that Christ, while he did exist, and probably was pretty damn cool, was probably a great man in the mould of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, rather than the Holy Ghost or whatever. But as excuses to party go, it's pretty cool, 'cos everyone has time off.

This year may be a little different. On Xmas day it will be just me and my Nan, with my Bro and Mum coming a couple of days later. My Nan doesn't drink, and anyone round here I go and visit (of which there are few), I have to do so in my car, all of which effectively means that until my Mum and Bro get here, any drinking I'm doing is on my own. Toys are also in shorter supply than they used to be, and on Xmas day I'll be opening presents from my Nan, my Sister (who dropped hers off on her pre-Xmas visit), and... that's it. I'll have presents from Mum, Bro and tokensmile to open when I see each of them, and from Dad when I see him in May, but all in all, Xmas day will be a bit quiet this year. At least the food department should still be great, with my Nan stuffing me every chance she gets.

I don't mind, really; like I say it's just an excuse. I guess most people have more traditional families than me and still have the family home to go back to. I'm glad to be here for my Nan so that she's not on her own or off with some friends when she'd rather be at home. But I spoke to my sister on the phone this morning (to wish her happy birthday), from her balcony in the hotel in Spain she's staying at 'til next week, and I can't help thinking she's the one with the right idea. Next year...

Ah, who cares. Roll on New Year! ;o)

xmas, kev, jesus, vicki, new year, religion, mum, dad, briony, helen

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