There's No Place Like Home

Nov 17, 2005 23:52

You Wake Up in Chicago, You Wake Up in New York, You Wake up in Bristol...

Well, the whirlwind has deposited me back in Kansas again, briefly, and I find myself sitting in front of my computer again as if I'd never left. Travelling all over with my single-serving friends. Off again tomorrow... London, Milton Keynes, Luton, Dublin, London, Somerset, Dublin, Middle-of-nowhere-Irish-town, Somerset, London, Barcelona... Ah, it's all good ;o). The sitting in B&B's in strange towns bit can be a little tedious, as can the trying to sell a roomfull of people twice your age concepts that you're not fully comfortable with and they see no need for. But on the whole it's cool - seeing all the guys in Dublin and London, building up work, getting into things... and I've been getting paid! At last! It's all coming up roses... again. I seem to have a knack, although I may be in danger of relying on it too much... ;o)

Whiskey and Cigarettes

And I've been playing pretty hard too. Too hard at times, I must admit... The weekend before a really tough course which I still had to do quite a few hours prep for was perhaps not the ideal time to stay up til 4 and 7 drinking whiskey and indulging in badness... Giving up smoking is going in fits and starts - currently doing Ok, but slipped at the weekend. Was pleased that I didn't allow my lapse to form an excuse to carry on smoking on Monday, especially as it was probably the toughest day at work I've had in years.

I Think I Might Get Me An Education...

I'm thinking of starting an OU course in February. You can choose the course module by module, but I'm looking at ones which would lead to a degree (or diploma, depending how far you get) in Environment and Development related disciplines. The reasoning goes that if my business carries on succeeding (and it is! right now, and it could all change I know, but right now it is working and it's so good to be able to say that), then I could start to specialise in training one thing, and if I can get some qualifications and maybe some experience, even if voluntary, I could branch into an area I'm actually really enthusiastic about. If I can structure my work right and get enough business, I can afford the time and cash to study and take time to get involved in projects and things (yeah, I know, all optimism, but it's the ones who are crazy enough to think they can do it that just might...). It's something to work towards anyway, and wherever it took me, it could be fun.

dublin, home, barcelona, london, 360, whiskey, courses, environment, smoking, volunteering, work

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