So, it's a while since I wrote anything of any substance or intelligence (some would say a long while indeed, but that's just because I haven't found out where they live yet, and hence they are still able to speak). This is because I've been ill. Pain-in-the-ass, this-is-getting-boring-now, won't-you-please-just-fuck-off ill. It started as flu, then became a chesty cough which turned into a chest infection. When I brought out the tactical antibiotic nukes, it began to retreat, but in fact this was a feint to cover a flanking action which saw it take up a position in my throat, where it is currently (I sincerely pray) coughing and spluttering its death rattles. This process has not been a whole lot of fun.
So what have a neglected to journal? Well, I've been working lots (which probably hasn't helped my little white blood cell troops, but as I'm self employed a sick day would cost me a day's wages, which I can't afford) I've been in Cardiff, Bristol, St. Albans, Richmond... I'm currently on the way to Ashford (yes to the 'International' station which will become a big white elephant when the chunnel link to King's Cross is completed, and surprisingly, no French people will want to go to Kent). Besides that there's been a lot of lying around hoping I'll get better, an enjoyable Saturday spent at the out-of-hours clinic, and generally much to help me feel sorry for myself, punctuated by sanity-saving visits and care from
I have done a few things... visited Vinopolis, which is kinda cool - I think it would be best in a large group having paid for the Whiskey and Absinthe as well as the Wine and Gin, and used as the start of a big piss-up. But got some more ideas of nice wines, anyway, including a very nice Spanish red, Torres. What else? Reaching back a little (with the aide memoire of my Calendar), I see that a couple of things a few weeks ago escaped journalling - Evita, which was very good, a good production, better than the stage show I saw of it last time, and with a better Evita than Madonna (which I think is actually saying something - I thought she was good, but this one was actually Latin), but not such a good Che as Antonio Banderas. There was also a trip to Ireland with one of the trademark nights which start out with a small piss-up and go til all hours with randomness abounding.
tokensmile and I also went on a St John's 1st Aid course together, which was amusing... I've gotten into some drawn out debates about the mooted National Road Usage Tax with different people, prompted by the same, forwarded, ill-informed email... I had a nice games night with
denari, Fliss and
jon_nyara, which involved amusing vendettas and evildoings, and was preceded by
illarion_ds setting up a wireless network for me, like the very nice man he is... Other than that, it's mainly been studying... lots of it, and I'm up to my ears in it at present, as I have to have an assignment in before I leave for Africa (a week and two days! squee!)... it's been really good, actually - it's a great course, I'm learning loads... I feel like I have a direction, that instead of aimlessly drifting through B-Ark jobs that give me cash and do little else, I'm moving towards something worthwhile, which I'll enjoy and which will do some good (it's still some way off there, but it's getting here...). My NLP course is also helping me to get my future into focus, and getting my priorities straight.
So that's me.