Hallo, this is very obviously a pimp for a new RPG:
lotr_beginnings. Now, some of you may recognise this name from adverts before...however, this game has been torn down and restructured a bit...so it will be starting from the beginning, and we'll be casting for the next week or so before game play starts.
lotr_beginnings is set during filming of the LOTR movies, all actors and crew from the film are welcomed--any non-LOTR actor or crew will be looked at on a case by case basis, as this is set during filming in New Zealand. We'll be forging the friendships and RP'ing the crazy situations they all found themselves in (and some of our own devising). The players will be making their own plots and ideas, so this will be a very player driven game.
You will need a character LJ (if you do not have a code for doing this, one can be provided for you) and AIM name for this game, and we will be holding a weekly (or bi monthly) group chat (a day and time will be decided amongst players once we have a cast). We require posting at least once a week (preferably more) and we are looking for mature, talented players. Experience is helpful, but not necessary. Please visit the
community info page to find more information on what we will require to join. There will be slash and NC-17 posts in this game, so please keep that in mind when applying.
Any questions can be left here, or you can
email the mods.
Characters currently taken are:
Orlando Bloom
Viggo Mortensen
Elijah Wood
Dominic Monagan
Billy Boyd
As you see, we still have many open positions in the game! So,
contact us today to join or for more information!
Beginnings mumlotr_beginnings