Fic - The Calm Before The Storm, Chapter 2, Billy/Dom

Aug 31, 2011 21:35

Fic - The Calm Before The Storm, Chapter 2
Pairing - Billy/Dom
Rating - NC 17
Contents - Sexual content and adult situations - in which Billy acknowledges his attraction to Dom and takes a chance on letting him know. It might have gone something like this, or it might have been even better.
Disclaimer - all of it blessed fantasy.

Chapter 1

Billy’s car rolled easily through the dark street and continued up the hill toward Dom’s bungalow. The windows were partially down allowing the warm air to flow easily as he drove. Oppressive heat over the last few days had left everyone hoping for a break in current conditions, but for now the entire area lay wrapped in a blazing southern hemisphere summer waiting and hoping for eventual relief.

Dominic sat relaxed and halfway reclined in the easy comfort of the front bucket seat. Leaving the atmosphere of the pub and sitting still for even a few minutes had left him pleasantly fuzzy and drowsy, and he glanced gratefully at Billy beside him patiently navigating their way safely home. Dom knew he had consumed enough alcohol for one evening, and for that reason he was grateful for Billy’s ever dependable presence just in case he went beyond his own reasonable limits. He had known Billy would make sure they both got home safely tonight, but he remained surprised by tonight’s sudden turn of events nonetheless and all it might imply. He was intrigued and curious, but he knew better than to make assumptions or take Billy’s actions unconditionally.

“Alright, leather boy,” Billy announced moments later as he parked the car and killed the engine. “Let’s get you inside before the rain hits.”

“Rain,” Dom asked with surprise, pinching his brows together and gazing with interest at the dark sky. Closing the car door behind him he stared intently upward just as the first roll of thunder arrived directly overhead. He jumped noticeably at the sudden noise and moved closer to Billy wearing wide eyes and a startled expression. Billy chuckled outwardly at Dom’s reaction, but reached for his elbow to draw him closer anyway.

“It’s only thunder, Dom,” he commented, still smiling. Dom looked back at him for several long moments before responding.

“Yeah, I know,” he managed at last, “just surprised me a little, that’s all.”

Dom urged Billy toward the front door as he focused on digging for keys in his pocket. “Come on,” he continued. “Inside then,” he added, and brushed past Billy suddenly with keys in hand obviously interested in getting inside as quickly as possible. After more than one attempt with the cumbersome mechanism he pushed his way inside leaving the door slightly ajar for Billy to follow. Striding swiftly through the living room he flipped on lights as he went and continued his way purposefully toward the kitchen. Billy lagged behind taking his time and carefully closing the heavy door, securely flipping the deadbolt into place as an afterthought. He smiled despite himself at such a maneuver but thought it seemed like something Dom would prefer.

When he was finished with that he turned and followed a rather obscure trail of lights and faint clattering noises into the next room. As he entered the small kitchen he found Dom standing on his toes and reaching for shelves high above the stove - opening and closing numerous cupboard doors in some sort of mildly frantic search. He appeared to be gathering the necessities for making a pot of hot tea. Billy folded his arms and leaned casually against a nearby counter content just to watch as Dom fussed with the cups and tea strainer. He recognized displaced anxiety in the manner Dom spent organizing the dishes and attempting to calm himself with distraction. Billy also knew very well that Dom disliked drinking tea this late at night, and he thought it unlikely he had truly changed that particular habit. Dom had just finished lining things up on the stove to his satisfaction when he felt the faint brush of something light across the nape of his neck. A rush of warm breath soon followed as Billy’s low and hushed voice filtered its way to his ears.

“I don’t have all of the right words, Dom,” Billy confessed, closing his eyes and continuing to ghost his lips slowly over the bare skin at the back of his neck, “but I know I want you so very much,” he finished with a whisper, encircling his arms gently around Dom from behind, “and I just can’t sit by and watch someone else put their hands on you like that.”

Stunned into silence by such an open and direct admission Dom stopped everything he was doing and stood quietly in Billy’s arms. While he had known, accepted, and understood his own interest in Billy for quite some time, he still believed vehemently that certain boundaries were to be maintained and respected. Dom knew in his heart that Billy loved him, but he had not realized he might be open to something more intimate than their current relationship. The realization left him excited, momentarily overwhelmed, and so suddenly and undeniably aroused that he was left almost unable to think or breathe.

“Billy,” he managed quietly at last, turning in his arms to face him. “I feel like such an arse for not having a clue about any of this,” he explained. “I know I’ve been a right tease, but I honestly didn’t think any of it would matter to you,” he continued nervously. “I,” Billy quickly silenced him with a single finger to his lips before he could continue.

“It doesn’t matter,” he countered as an explanation, “not to me anyway. It just doesn’t matter now,” he finished in a near whisper. Billy watched Dom intently as they next stood silently face to face in the small kitchen. He knew him so well he was counting on his ability to detect any true discomfort Dom might have. What he saw instead was much closer to confusion and uncertainty, and Billy worried momentarily he may have been too forthcoming. His thumb had joined his finger in cautiously touching and brushing the outline of Dom’s upper lip with tiny light strokes as he continued.

“No need to explain, Dom,” he offered. “I don’t understand it all either, and you were just being you,” he finished sincerely.

Lightning flashed suddenly in the distance mere seconds before thunder rolled and boomed once again directly overhead. Dominic flinched and scrunched his eyes tightly together as though trying to hide from the invading noise. “God damn it,” he muttered under his breath, hunching his shoulders and trying hard to tuck himself further into his own frame. Undaunted the lightning repeated itself and the thunder rolled once again underscoring for both of them it would remain present and well in control despite Dom’s discomfort. Realizing Dom was truly unnerved Billy moved quickly to pull him away from the kitchen windows and around the corner into the living room.

“Hey now,” he soothed, voice softening in sympathy. “It’s just a little thunder and lightning, Dom,” he repeated, rubbing his arm. “Just a summer storm is all.”

Dom opened his eyes to find Billy close and watching him intently. He knew this type of response to a simple thunder storm would not make sense to Billy. It appeared he as well would have at least some explaining to do, and he swallowed quickly before plunging ahead.

“Loud storms get to me, Bill,” he began hesitantly. “I know it doesn’t make sense, but they scare me sometimes. I’ll be alright in a moment.”

The next thunderous boom sounded seconds later squarely over their building causing nearby kitchen windows to rattle slightly in its frame. Lightning tore through the sky illuminating the landscape in blinding light before disappearing once again into the clouds. “Jeeeeeesus!” Dom nearly shouted, clamping his hands over both ears and cringing as though someone had hit him in the stomach. Billy had jumped himself with that last hit of thunder, but he recovered easily when he saw how truly distressed Dom was. Moving instinctively he pulled Dom rapidly back into the living room and toward a nearby sofa which was positioned and centered against an interior wall.

“Lay down,” he commanded hurriedly, pushing Dom down onto the sofa before stretching out quickly beside him. He grabbed a light quilt he had seen discarded at one end and hastily unfurled its length over both of them before tossing it over their heads and ducking them underneath. “Now come ‘ere,” Billy whispered, settling under the soft cotton material and wrapping his arms firmly around Dom.

Dom sighed in relief and curled himself willingly around Billy’s sturdy, familiar frame. In the safety of their personal hideaway they waited listening to the clashing storm clouds while thunderous booming continued intermittently overhead. Billy patiently held Dom more or less in one place allowing him to wiggle and cringe and swear as necessary until the worst of the noise seemed to have passed. It was only after Dom had been perfectly still for several minutes did Billy roll and pin him lightly to the back of the sofa before searching his eyes for any residual clues.  He could tell the tension and fear of a few minutes ago appeared to have at least diminished leaving in its place his usual and more customary self.

“Welcome back,” Billy said, pleased to see Dom no longer looking upset or fearful.

Dom smiled in return but remained quiet and deeply relieved under Billy’s full intuitive gaze. He blinked a few times as though still pushing away the remaining anxiety but was secretly grateful to find Billy still there each time he opened his eyes. His breathing had mostly returned to a normal rate, and his heart was no longer thudding heavily in his chest. As he continued to lay there quietly he felt a mild touch to the side of his face and reopened his eyes to the sensation of Billy gently combing his fingers through the top and side of his hair. Soothing and sensuous, Dom turned into it enjoying the personal and calming feeling. He remained quiet, eyes closed and content with the simple and intimate attention. When he opened his eyes again moments later he found Billy lingering just above him looking concerned and worried. Dom smiled slightly in an attempt to reassure him, and motivated by sudden inspiration he paused only slightly before reaching for Billy and kissing him lightly on the lips. Billy allowed the shy and tentative kiss - a small and thoughtful gesture which he also determined had ended way too soon. Wanting more he kissed back eagerly intent on trying to pour his own exploding feelings and arousal into this singular moment. Dom understood immediately and returned the intensity with light laps and strokes of his tongue against Billy’s lips. The simmering friction between them had sparked and encouraged their deepest attractions, and the tiny noise Dom made in submission only served to excite Billy further and drive him feverishly forward.

Barriers and obstacles both real and imaginary tumbled in the newness of desperately wanting Dom closer. Billy had gingerly rolled on top of him while briefly considering just how he would be able to strategically adjust his weight. He knew the raging hard on he now sported would be impossible to conceal, but he had also reached the point at which he no longer truly cared. The act of settling himself intimately against Dom’s body just felt so brilliantly right in his heart. Fiercely protective and wildly aroused Billy couldn’t stop himself as his hands sought eagerly to touch and explore Dom’s chest and belly as he lay entrapped and so wonderfully submissive beneath him. He felt wickedly brave and unencumbered by such a total display of raw feelings. Altogether he was heavily caught up in a heady combination of affection and arousal that could not be easily extinguished. Dominic gasped mildly as the unmistakable firmness of Billy’s cock pressed against him. Whatever Billy had not said with words he was now demonstrating with his body, and the unabashed need to consummate their connection was becoming more present and insistent. Dom was also becoming increasingly aroused and heavily driven by his own motivations, and although he had never previously imagined Billy would want to take him in quite this manner any reservations he might have harbored were thoroughly dissolving under Billy’s intense attention. He wanted whatever Billy was willing to give him tonight not at all sure what that might mean or where it could lead them.

Feeling suddenly as though he couldn’t breathe, Dom reached frantically for the top of their make shift tent yanking it down and away and freeing the two of them from their tunnel of trapped heat and seeming lack of air.

“We’ve sucked all of the oxygen out of the room, Billy,” Dom gasped, taking several deep heaving breaths. His skin was now covered in a light sheen of sweat underneath his clothes, blonde and frazzled bangs plastered and clinging to his forehead, his thin shirt now more damp than dry.

“Don’t need any,” Billy replied, unfazed as he continued to nibble distractedly at Dom’s chin line.

“Yes, you do - you will,” Dom giggled correcting himself slightly, “’cause I want off this fuckin’ sofa and into a real bed - with you.”

Billy paused then to look at him directly, eyebrows peaked sharply with renewed interest.

“You do?” he offered. “So what happens then if I won’t let you up, hum?” Billy questioned, sneaking a quick lick to the underside of Dom’s chin. “What if I decide to keep you here against your will and have my extremely wicked way with you?” he whispered in a low and naughty voice. “And just what happens,” he suggested with a chuckle, “if you can’t ever get away?” he finished with a somewhat evil flourish.

Dom stared openly in disbelief at Billy as he processed what he had just heard. He had never met this particular version of Billy before, and he certainly did take some getting used to.

“Who are you and what’ve you done with my mate, Billy?” Dom asked.

Billy’s only measurable response was to smile as though he alone possessed the world’s greatest secret, but he offered no further immediate explanation.

“Billy,” Dom then began with a mildly sarcastic edge in his voice, speaking slowly and clearly as he wrapped his legs tightly over and around Billy’s. “If you’re gonna play on my team, you’ll need to understand some rules and realities.”

Billy’s eyes widened in mock terror but he remained quiet, patient, and continued to listen.

“Rule number one then,” Dom continued, enunciating clearly, “is that if at any time you’re lying on top of me it’s only ‘cause I like it.”

Billy smiled in response to this as though he was indeed thoroughly pleased.

“And rule number two,” Dom continued, blue eyes blazing, “is that you need to remember that I can take your manly little arse any time should I change my mind.”

Billy’s eyebrows knitted immediately together is utter despair, almost enough to break Dom’s heart had he not been totally sure it was all purely for his own personal benefit. Loosening the wrestler’s grip he had applied to Billy’s frame he pursed his lips together in exaggerated fashion offering a kiss in truce. Billy accepted, his little lecture having served only to push him deeper into Dom’s embrace but leaving him firmly in position. Billy ended the kiss reluctantly to gather Dom tightly once again in his arms before placing his lips softly against one ear and adding conspiratorially, “and you’re just as hard as I am Dominic, so unless you’ve changed your mind, let’s find that bed you wanted and get rid of our damn clothes.”

The brogue Billy carried in his voice had grown thick with desire emphasizing the shift in his demeanor and general intentions. Dom shivered despite himself, slightly embarrassed but willingly pushing some of his pride aside and clinging openly to Billy anyway. If Billy wanted to seduce him, Dom was more than willing to play along. He would later remember the look in Billy’s eyes just before a pair of very striking leather trousers slid from his hips, and in that moment Dom gave himself a resounding mental high five for having had the presence of mind to wear briefs on this particular night. The pair he had chosen were admittedly snug, but had he not worn something he was fairly sure the fine black leather trousers would not have now been salvageable. Drenched in perspiration, the night’s alcohol and adrenaline bursts coursing their way through his veins, his libido on fire, and pre-cum leaking heavily from his own swollen cock, Dom was hopelessly and thoroughly trashed, leaving Billy completely in charge.

Dom actually couldn’t remember watching Billy getting naked due to the profoundly pleasant buzz he had going on, the insanely comfortable bed, and eyelids that kept wanting to close, but he sighed in blessed relief as Billy at last climbed on top of him undeniably bare, hard, and every bit of him exhibiting his outrageously sexy self. Billy’s sensitive hands paused to roam across Dom’s tummy and hips loving the feel of him so different from what he was accustomed to yet simultaneously exciting, familiar, and yet so much like himself. He marveled at the feel of Dom’s skin, soft and alluring as any woman’s, his scent pleasantly strong and musky in Billy’s nostrils as he began to lay a progressive trail of kisses from his tummy to his awaiting cock.

Dom thought he had heard himself moan softly and repeatedly under Billy’s careful ministrations leaving him fairly sure he had never made any sort of remotely similar sounds before. “God, Billy,” he managed, his voice edged with need and desperation. “Are you absolutely sure you’re new at this?”

“Never said I was totally new at it,” Billy whispered, grinning slightly against the sensitive skin of Dom’s tummy. “I actually have this part memorized, but only from my dreams.”

Dom rested one hand lightly atop Billy’s head in acknowledgement and gently encouraged him to continue.

“Just don’t stop,” he whispered, undulating his hips mildly beneath the warmth and skill of Billy’s mouth. “Please, it feels so fucking fantastic.”

Billy continued to tease him gently as he laid a light kiss at the base of his cock before painting a long wet trail to the tip, encircling and lapping gently around the engorged tip. Dom hissed softly at the brilliant sensation, an almost indecipherable sound escaping from somewhere deep within him. Holding Billy’s head in both hands he was unable to stop himself from rubbing against Billy’s mouth blatantly begging for more. Equally unable to resist him, Billy took Dom gently into his mouth and began to suck and pull tenderly at the tip of his cock. Dom collapsed back onto the bed with relief from the exquisite sensation and began rocking his hips in slow and careful strokes into the warmth and sweetness that was Billy’s mouth.

“Oh my fucking God, Billy,” he whispered hoarsely. “Oh fuck,” he whined just before dissolving in total submission.

Dom was unwilling to overwhelm or hurt Billy despite his own intense need, but he also recognized he could not last much longer if they continued as they were. The tiny dark hairs that curled thickly at the base of his engorged cock had become saturated with perspiration and the heavy residue of hormones unleashed and racing through his veins. His heart had returned to pounding madly in his chest, his breathing increasing as well in rapid and exaggerated efforts. Weakened by arousal he wantonly widened his legs and succumbed to the softness of the mattress, the pleasant thrumming in his groin, and Billy’s intimate and loving attention. He had also begun to tremble lightly amid the fervor and onslaught of so many new and shattering emotions, and he began to fight quietly with himself about how to hang on before tumbling over that inevitable awaiting edge.

Seemingly hearing his thoughts Billy pulled away from the end of Dom’s cock with a soft popping sound. He blew gently on the tip as if in apology before nuzzling the side of the rigid shaft with the end of his nose and leaving a last tender kiss behind. Moving up and forward he straddled Dom’s chest and waited patiently for him to open his eyes, smiling suggestively before offering an explanation.

“We can’t have you all undone just yet now, can we?” he teased in his best Scottish brogue.

Dom smiled weakly in return his eyes lowering slowly to Billy’s handsome cock now sitting unavoidably directly in front of him. He scooted and pulled Billy forward by his bare bottom, and urging him to his knees he wiggled himself partially up to lean against the sturdy headboard. Hesitating only slightly he glanced upward somewhat shyly in the hope and after thought this was something Billy truly wanted. Billy responded by cupping Dom’s face in one hand and rubbing his thumb over the soft skin just above his upper lip. Permission seemingly granted, Dom lowered his gaze and drew Billy’s cock gently into his mouth. Billy gasped and threw his head back at the sensation, both knees also buckling moments later. Dom caught and held him easily, allowing him time to recover some of his strength. Grappling at the wall with one hand while locating one of Dom’s sturdy shoulders with the other, he was able to push himself back to his knees just in time to see his own cock begin to move slowly in and out of Dom’s lovely mouth. His foreskin was now fully retracted leaving each tiny and tender nerve ending bare and thoroughly exposed, the tip purple and swollen, and he tingled with excitement with each careful and attentive swipe of Dom’s warm and loving tongue.

“God,” he whispered hoarsely, fondling stray strands of blonde hair where they tumbled in front of Dom's face. “Oh God, oh God,” Billy began to chant and whisper repeatedly, attempting restraint but nearly unable to keep himself from pushing harder and deeper with every stroke.

Noting the tension in Billy’s muscles Dom squeezed him gently in support hoping to convey encouragement to indulge and experience all that he desired. He understood this was a critical and dangerous moment in Billy’s personal masculine fingerprint, and Dom wanted the resultant image it was destined to leave behind to remain loving and appropriate. Billy was risking everything he had known and accepted about himself before now by allowing Dom access to his most secret and deepest desires, and he was fiercely determined to keep him feeling safe enough to do so. Dom knew that all they did here tonight would never leave the privacy of this room. He could carry it all safely in his heart and on to his grave should that be Billy’s desire.

Billy gasped suddenly and grabbed himself, wrapping his fingers tightly around his cock before pulling hurriedly from Dom’s mouth. Irritated he slammed one fist harshly against the wall and moaned lowly under his breath as he froze and began to pant softly. Dom remained motionless understanding Billy’s desperate and sudden departure. Looking up he watched silently as Billy maintained his concentration, eyes tightly closed with an iron grip on his cock. His cheeks were flushed with lust and the humid night air, the hair rimming his face damp from sweat and sticking to his skin in tiny clumps and tangles. His face remained contorted with intense concentration, his eyebrows tucked almost entirely together as he fought with himself to maintain control. Dom watched silently for several moments ever ready to scoop him up and hold him should the dam fully burst, but as the intensity appeared to slowly fade from Billy’s face, his shoulders relaxed noticeably until he felt it was safe to loosen his grip. Billy sighed raggedly in relief as he took a deep breath attempting to reset and pace himself. Dom lightly rubbed the back of Billy’s thighs at the same time intending his touch to be soothing and comforting. As Billy slowly opened his eyes he was mildly confused but searching anxiously for Dom. Meeting his eyes with steady reassurance Dom climbed hurriedly to his knees and wrapped his arms around Billy, chuckling softly before asking, “It’s good, yeah?” Kissing his temple he drew Billy tightly into his arms before adding, “‘s good - I know.”

Suddenly devoid of his earlier strength Billy allowed himself to be slowly lowered to the bed where Dom laid him gently down and relaxed beside him. Billy’s grip on himself had lost its intensity, but he was apparently unwilling to let go entirely yet. Dom covered Billy’s hand with his own encouraging him to relax.

“Letting go‘s allowed, Billy,” Dom said, “it just means we get to start all over.”

Billy studied Dom for several moments from behind heavily hooded eyes before wordlessly reaching for him and pulling him flush against himself. With surprising speed he flipped Dom roughly onto his back before climbing atop once again and began pushing his hips insistently encouraging him to widen his legs and sink deeper into the downy mattress. Billy gasped again as he rubbed himself against Dom, the contrast between his soft and silky skin and rigid cock still almost unbearably exciting and inviting. With renewed vigor he slid his arms under Dom’s shoulders and pinned him solidly as his hips began to rock slowly once again almost of their own volition. He wanted the kind of release and relief that only Dom could offer him. .

Dom tried to concentrate on his own control as Billy slid deliciously against him rolling his hips and simultaneously placing light kisses down his neck as he did so. Dom could sense the depth of Billy’s desire so purely intense and palpable that he struggled just to absorb and contain it between them. Billy’s innate strength and agility were now heavily bolstered by lust and pure adrenaline, and Dom knew that at least for this moment in time he wouldn’t easily be able to stop Billy should he have wanted to. Stopping him in any way remained the furthest thing from his mind, however, and he wrapped himself more snugly around Billy’s frame attempting to support and encourage him. Billy began thrusting more rapidly and pushing him by sheer force a few centimeters further across the bed with each stroke. His own cock was trapped brilliantly between them comfortable and tightly compressed against Billy’s fuzzy tummy.

“Billy,” he whispered, meeting and matching each thrust of Billy’s hips with his own. “God, Billy,” he managed to add, his voice trailing off as he fought mightily just to hold on.

Unable to say more he kissed Billy lightly near one ear and arching his back slightly he shuddered against him still trying to support his level of desire. Despite Dom’s best intentions, however, it was to be his undoing. He could feel his own release building rapidly, his balls growing steadily heavy and full. He widened his legs as much as he could in an attempt to create some measure of relief just as the bright light from another large bolt of lightning filled the room through the nearby window. It was combined almost immediately with an ear splitting crash of thunder sounding directly overhead. He felt Billy’s arms tighten instinctively around him even amid such unfolding passion, but Dom only snuggled closer, hastily shushing him before whispering, “I’m alright, Billy. I’m alright,” he repeated.

Dom melded himself blissfully to Billy’s body and succumbed to his strength and prowess. Billy may not have been with other men in quite this way before, but he had revealed himself to be an energetic and wanton partner. He also remained a constant and attentive gentleman, and Dom sensed that he was still trying to constrain himself nonetheless. Determined to change all of that for eventual good reasons, Dom flexed his arms and legs impressively in an attempt to remind him of his own corresponding strength. As Billy’s hips slowed only slightly, a faint smile crossed his face as he chuckled lowly. He understood Dom’s simple message implicitly, and nuzzling his neck in response he asked, “Yeah? You sure about all that now?” he asked in amusement.

“You can’t break me, Billy,” Dom challenged, his breathing having grown more rapid and harsh. “You can’t”...

“Ssshhh,” Billy replied, stepping on Dom’s words, “I don’t need to do that.”

Dom had begun making an assortment of soft noises Billy found utterly delightful and alluring. He could feel the tip of Dom’s cock deliciously trapped and rubbing vigorously against his belly, and he momentarily paused to concentrate on maintaining that perfect position for him. Rotating his hips slightly with every touch he pushed gently back with just the right amount of pressure, causing Dom to lose control to the sweet sensation building deep within his groin. In something resembling a final sob he arched his back suddenly with the effort of one final thrust causing him to gasp with relief as he tumbled over that final blessed edge. Billy caught and held him as he fell, mesmerized by the feeling of the milky stream spurting repeatedly against his belly. Opening his eyes Dom searched frantically for Billy, grabbing and clinging to him desperately as his strength began to wane. Such blatantly naked need reflected in Dom’s eyes as he fought his way back accompanied by the sweet little noises he continued to make were all Billy needed to send him tumbling over the same edge. Chasing the completion he craved he began to grind himself into the thick, creamy mess between them. Heaving himself up on both arms Billy's hips began to piston wildly as he lost any last semblance of real control. One final desperate push and he moaned in deep gratification as his own orgasm pushed him headlong over the same edge and back into Dom’s awaiting arms. He shuddered violently, eyes clamped tightly shut, the overwhelming feelings washing through him, long moments of perfect sensation rolling and rippling until he collapsed willingly against Dom exhausted and fully sated.

As Billy tried to move, Dom stopped him with a simple hug. “Uh uh - lay still now.”

Billy mumbled something moderately incoherent in return but resettled contentedly against Dom’s broad chest. His eyes remained closed, long lashes fluttering lightly against his flushed and slightly rosy cheeks. He had no true desire to relocate. In fact, at this very moment, he didn’t care to ever move from this wonderful place where he had somehow landed. For several long moments he struggled to remember the pieces and parts of whatever had just happened.

“Dominic,” he said to himself - the only word he could pull through his overly stimulated neurons. “Dom,” he managed to repeat quietly out loud at last. “Dom?” he tried again, beginning to fumble for him with both hands.

“Shhhhh,” Dom replied, encircling him with both arms. “I’m right here.”

Thunder could be heard still rumbling in the distance as the storm passed further to the east and out of the immediate area. Dom rubbed Billy’s arm in tiny repetitive circles as he lay quietly holding him and listening to the storm fade further away into the distance. He was just beginning to recover himself from their lovemaking - it had left him equally weakened in the swell and eventual wake of deep and previously untapped need. He didn’t know what the ultimate fallout from so much naked emotion might be, but he knew for himself there could be no going back. He had somehow fallen in love with his best mate, and he would never be able to exist properly without him from this point on. Dom was good at viewing his own feelings and accepting them for exactly whatever they might be which was precisely why his heart would be shredded should Billy not feel the same way

“Fuck,” he thought to himself, “I’d rather face the storm,” he sighed before curling a little more tightly around Billy. “I’d rather do anything else,” he thought forlornly.

Billy looked up suddenly from his place on Dom’s chest, a concerned frown crossing his face before reaching for him with a slightly unsteady arm. He reversed their positions easily as he moved to tuck Dom tightly against his chest.

“‘m not going anywhere, Dom,” he soothed. “’s alright,” he added as he gathered him up in a full body hug. “It’s alright,” he repeated, peppering light kisses along his cheek and jaw. “Shhh,” he repeated insistently.

Dom didn’t think he had uttered anything out loud, but whether he had or Billy had simply read his thoughts instead didn’t concern or especially surprise him. As he snuggled against Billy with renewed relief he giggled and grabbed at the stray covers yanking them free and over their heads before tunneling underneath with Billy once again.

“I like it in here,” he teased. “Let’s stay tonight - just you and me,” he whispered, wrapping himself once again around Billy’s warm body and preparing to settle in.

billy/dominic, nc-17

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